

Let f open parentheses theta close parentheses equals sin invisible function application theta left parenthesis sin invisible function application theta plus sin invisible function application 3 theta right parenthesis. Then f left parenthesis theta right parenthesis is

  1. p plus q equals 0  
  2. p plus q equals 2 n plus 1  
  3. p plus q equals 2 n  
  4. p plus q equals 2 open parentheses 2 n plus 1 close parentheses  

The correct answer is: p plus q equals 2 open parentheses 2 n plus 1 close parentheses

    253 blank tan invisible function application open parentheses fraction numerator p pi over denominator 4 end fraction close parentheses equals cot invisible function application open parentheses fraction numerator q pi over denominator 4 end fraction close parentheses if open parentheses n element of Z close parentheses
    rightwards double arrow fraction numerator p pi over denominator 4 end fraction equals n pi plus fraction numerator pi over denominator 2 end fraction minus fraction numerator q pi over denominator 4 end fraction
    rightwards double arrow fraction numerator p over denominator 4 end fraction equals n plus fraction numerator 1 over denominator 2 end fraction minus fraction numerator q over denominator 4 end fraction
    rightwards double arrow fraction numerator p plus q over denominator 4 end fraction equals fraction numerator 2 n plus 1 over denominator 2 end fraction
    rightwards double arrow p plus q equals 2 open parentheses 2 n plus 1 close parentheses
    equals left parenthesis sin invisible function application theta plus 3 sin invisible function application theta minus 4 sin to the power of 3 end exponent invisible function application theta right parenthesis sin invisible function application theta equals left parenthesis 4 sin invisible function application theta minus 4 sin to the power of 3 end exponent invisible function application theta right parenthesis sin invisible function application theta
    equals 4   sin to the power of 2 end exponent invisible function application theta left parenthesis 1 minus sin to the power of 2 end exponent invisible function application theta right parenthesis equals 4 sin to the power of 2 end exponent invisible function application theta cos to the power of 2 end exponent invisible function application theta equals open parentheses 2 sin invisible function application theta cos invisible function application theta close parentheses to the power of 2 end exponent equals open parentheses sin invisible function application 2 theta close parentheses to the power of 2 end exponent greater or equal than 0
    Which is true for all theta

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