

A disc is rolling (with slipping) on a horizontal surface. C is its centre and Q and P are two points equidistant from C. Let v subscript P end subscript , V subscript Q end subscript and V subscript C end subscript be the magnitude of velocities of points P, Q and C respectively, then :

  1. v subscript Q end subscript greater than v subscript C end subscript greater than v subscript P end subscript    
  2. v subscript Q end subscript less than v subscript C end subscript less than v subscript P end subscript    
  3. V subscript Q end subscript equals V subscript P end subscript comma V subscript C end subscript equals 1 divided by 2 V subscript P end subscript    
  4. V subscript Q end subscript less than V subscript C end subscript greater than V subscript P end subscript    

The correct answer is: v subscript Q end subscript greater than v subscript C end subscript greater than v subscript P end subscript

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