

A system of two identical rods (L-shaped) of mass m and length l are resting on a peg P as shown in the figure. If the system is displaced in its plane by a small angle theta, find the period of oscillations:

  1. 2 pi square root of fraction numerator square root of 2 l end root over denominator 3 g end fraction end root    
  2. 2 pi square root of fraction numerator 2 square root of 2 l end root over denominator 3 g end fraction end root    
  3. 2 pi square root of fraction numerator 2 l over denominator 3 g end fraction end root    
  4. 3 pi square root of fraction numerator l over denominator 3 g end fraction end root    

The correct answer is: 2 pi square root of fraction numerator 2 square root of 2 l end root over denominator 3 g end fraction end root

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