

A thin flexible wire of length L is connected to two adjacent fixed points and carries a current I in the clockwise direction, as shown in the figure. When the system is put in a uniform magnetic field of strength B going into the plane of the paper, the wire takes the shape of a circle. The tension in the wire is :

  1. IBL    
  2. fraction numerator I B L over denominator pi end fraction    
  3. fraction numerator I B L over denominator 2 pi end fraction    
  4. fraction numerator I B L over denominator 4 pi end fraction    

The correct answer is: IBL

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A magnetic field stack B with rightwards arrow on top equals B subscript 0 end subscript stack j with rightwards arrow on top exists in the region a less than x less than 2 a and stack B with rightwards arrow on top equals negative B subscript 0 end subscript stack j with bar on top in the region 2 a less than x less than 3 a, where B subscript 0 end subscript is a positive constant. A positive point charge moving with a velocity stack v with rightwards arrow on top equals v subscript 0 end subscript stack i with bar on top where V subscript 0 end subscript is a positive constant, enters the magnetic field at x = a. The trajectory of the charge in this region can be like

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Two particles A and B of masses mA and mB respectively and having the same charge are moving in a plane. A uniform magnetic field exists perpendicular to this plane. The speeds of the particles are v subscript A end subscript and v subscript B end subscript respectively and the trajectories are as shown in the figure. Then

Two particles A and B of masses mA and mB respectively and having the same charge are moving in a plane. A uniform magnetic field exists perpendicular to this plane. The speeds of the particles are v subscript A end subscript and v subscript B end subscript respectively and the trajectories are as shown in the figure. Then


A non–planar loop of conducting wire carrying a current I is placed as shown in the figure. Each of the straight sections of the loop is of length 2a. The magnetic field due to this loop at the point P (a, 0, a) points in the direction

A non–planar loop of conducting wire carrying a current I is placed as shown in the figure. Each of the straight sections of the loop is of length 2a. The magnetic field due to this loop at the point P (a, 0, a) points in the direction


An infinitely long conductor PQR is bent to form a right angle as shown in figure. A current I flows through PQR. The magnetic field due to this current at the point M is H subscript 1 end subscript . Now, another infinitely long straight conductor QS is connected at Q, so that current is I/2 in QR as well as in QS, the current in PQ remaining unchanged. The magnetic field at M is now H subscript 2 end subscript . The ratio H subscript 1 end subscript /H subscript 2 end subscript is given by :

An infinitely long conductor PQR is bent to form a right angle as shown in figure. A current I flows through PQR. The magnetic field due to this current at the point M is H subscript 1 end subscript . Now, another infinitely long straight conductor QS is connected at Q, so that current is I/2 in QR as well as in QS, the current in PQ remaining unchanged. The magnetic field at M is now H subscript 2 end subscript . The ratio H subscript 1 end subscript /H subscript 2 end subscript is given by :


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These materials are used to make magnets for electric generators, transformer core and electromagnet core. Then it is proper to use:

Hysteresis loops for two magnetic materials A and B are given below :

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Two long current carrying thin wires, both with current I, are held by insulating threads of length L and are in equilibrium as shown in the figure, with threads making an angle blank to the power of ´ end exponent theta to the power of ´ end exponent with the vertical. If wires have mass lambda per unit length then the value of I is : (g = gravitational acceleration)

Two long current carrying thin wires, both with current I, are held by insulating threads of length L and are in equilibrium as shown in the figure, with threads making an angle blank to the power of ´ end exponent theta to the power of ´ end exponent with the vertical. If wires have mass lambda per unit length then the value of I is : (g = gravitational acceleration)


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A rectangular loop of sides 10 cm and 5 cm carrying a current I of 12 A is placed in different orientations as shown in the figures below ;

If there is a uniform magnetic field of 0.3 T in the positive z direction, in which orientations the loop would be in (i) stable equilibrium and (ii) unstable equilibrium ?


A conductor lies along the z-axis at negative 1.5 less or equal than z less than 1.5 m and carries a fixed current of 10.0 A in negative stack a with hat on top subscript z end subscript direction (see figure). For a field stack B with rightwards arrow on top equals 3.0 cross times 10 to the power of negative 4 end exponent e to the power of negative 02 r end exponent stack a with hat on top subscript y end subscript T, find the power required to move the conductor at constant speed to x = 2.0 m, y = 0 m in 5 cross times 10 to the power of negative 3 end exponent s. Assume parallel motion along the x-axis

A conductor lies along the z-axis at negative 1.5 less or equal than z less than 1.5 m and carries a fixed current of 10.0 A in negative stack a with hat on top subscript z end subscript direction (see figure). For a field stack B with rightwards arrow on top equals 3.0 cross times 10 to the power of negative 4 end exponent e to the power of negative 02 r end exponent stack a with hat on top subscript y end subscript T, find the power required to move the conductor at constant speed to x = 2.0 m, y = 0 m in 5 cross times 10 to the power of negative 3 end exponent s. Assume parallel motion along the x-axis


A current loop ABCD is held fixed on the plane of the paper as shown in the figure. The arcs BC (radius = b) and DA (radius = a) of the loop are joined by two straight wires AB and CD. A steady current I is flowing in the loop. Angle made by AB and CD at the origin O is 30 to the power of ring operator end exponent. Another straight thin wire with steady current I1 flowing out of the plane of the paper is kept at the origin

The magnitude of the magnetic field (B) due to the loop ABCD at the origin (O) is :-

A current loop ABCD is held fixed on the plane of the paper as shown in the figure. The arcs BC (radius = b) and DA (radius = a) of the loop are joined by two straight wires AB and CD. A steady current I is flowing in the loop. Angle made by AB and CD at the origin O is 30 to the power of ring operator end exponent. Another straight thin wire with steady current I1 flowing out of the plane of the paper is kept at the origin

The magnitude of the magnetic field (B) due to the loop ABCD at the origin (O) is :-


Wires 1 and 2 carrying currents i subscript 1 end subscript and i subscript 2 end subscript respectively are inclined at an angle thetato each other. What is the force on a small element d lambda of wire 2 at a distance r from wire 1(as shown in figure) due to the magnetic field of wire 1 ?

Wires 1 and 2 carrying currents i subscript 1 end subscript and i subscript 2 end subscript respectively are inclined at an angle thetato each other. What is the force on a small element d lambda of wire 2 at a distance r from wire 1(as shown in figure) due to the magnetic field of wire 1 ?


A velocity filter uses the properties of electric and magnetic fields to select charged particles that are moving with a specific velocity. Charged particles with varying speeds are directed into the filter as shown in figure. The filter consists of an electric field E and a magnetic field B, each of constant magnitude, directed perpendicular to each other as shown. The particles that move straight through the filter with their direction unaltered by the fields have the specific filter speed, V subscript 0 end subscript . Those with speeds to V subscript 0 end subscript may experience sufficiently little deflection that they also enter the detector.

The charged particle will experience a force due to the electric field given by the relationship stack F with rightwards arrow on top equals q stack E with bar on top where q is the charge of the particle and stack E with rightwards arrow on top is the electric field. The moving particle will also experience a force due to the magnetic field. This force acts to oppose the force due to the electric field. The strength of the force due to the magnetic field is given by the relationship stack F with rightwards arrow on top equals q left parenthesis stack v with bar on top cross times stack B with rightwards arrow on top right parenthesis where q is the charge of the particle, v rho is the speed of the particle, and stack B with bar on top is the magnetic field strength. When the forces due to the two fields are equal and opposite, the net force on the particle will be zero, and the particle will pass through the filter with its path unaltered. The electric and magnetic field strengths can be adjusted to choose the specific velocity to be filtered. The effects of gravity can be neglected.
Particles of identical mass and charge are sent through the filter at varying speeds, and the magnitude of acceleration of each particle is recorded as it first begins to be deflected. If the filter is set to detect particles of speed V subscript 0 end subscript , which one of the following is correct graph between acceleration and velocity of particle:

A velocity filter uses the properties of electric and magnetic fields to select charged particles that are moving with a specific velocity. Charged particles with varying speeds are directed into the filter as shown in figure. The filter consists of an electric field E and a magnetic field B, each of constant magnitude, directed perpendicular to each other as shown. The particles that move straight through the filter with their direction unaltered by the fields have the specific filter speed, V subscript 0 end subscript . Those with speeds to V subscript 0 end subscript may experience sufficiently little deflection that they also enter the detector.

The charged particle will experience a force due to the electric field given by the relationship stack F with rightwards arrow on top equals q stack E with bar on top where q is the charge of the particle and stack E with rightwards arrow on top is the electric field. The moving particle will also experience a force due to the magnetic field. This force acts to oppose the force due to the electric field. The strength of the force due to the magnetic field is given by the relationship stack F with rightwards arrow on top equals q left parenthesis stack v with bar on top cross times stack B with rightwards arrow on top right parenthesis where q is the charge of the particle, v rho is the speed of the particle, and stack B with bar on top is the magnetic field strength. When the forces due to the two fields are equal and opposite, the net force on the particle will be zero, and the particle will pass through the filter with its path unaltered. The electric and magnetic field strengths can be adjusted to choose the specific velocity to be filtered. The effects of gravity can be neglected.
Particles of identical mass and charge are sent through the filter at varying speeds, and the magnitude of acceleration of each particle is recorded as it first begins to be deflected. If the filter is set to detect particles of speed V subscript 0 end subscript , which one of the following is correct graph between acceleration and velocity of particle:


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