

An ideal gas is taken from point A to point C on P-V diagram through two process AOC and ABC as shown in the figure. Process AOC is isothermal

  1. Process AOC requires more heat than process ABC    
  2. Process ABC requires more heat than process AOC    
  3. Both process AOC & ABC require same amount of heat    
  4. Data is insufficient for comparison of heat requirement for the two processes    

The correct answer is: Process AOC requires more heat than process ABC

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1) rightwards arrow 2 : isochoric process
2) rightwards arrow 3 : straight line on P-V diagram
3) rightwards arrow 1 : isobaric process
The average molecular speed of the gas in the states 1, 2 and 3 are in the ratio

One mole of an ideal diatomic gas is taken through the cycle as shown in the figure
1) rightwards arrow 2 : isochoric process
2) rightwards arrow 3 : straight line on P-V diagram
3) rightwards arrow 1 : isobaric process
The average molecular speed of the gas in the states 1, 2 and 3 are in the ratio


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