

For a prism PQR the incident and emergent rays are parallel. The minimum value of refractive index of the prism material is

  1. square root of 3    
  2. 1) 5    
  3. square root of 2    
  4. 2    

The correct answer is: square root of 2

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When the prism is in the minimum deviation position (Figure). Choose the correct one.

When the prism is in the minimum deviation position (Figure). Choose the correct one.


Figure shows a cross - section of light pipe made of glass fibre of refractive index 1.68. The outer coating of the pipe is made of a material of refractive index 1.44. What is the range of angles of the incident rays with the axis of the pipe for which total internal reflection inside the pipe takes place ?

Figure shows a cross - section of light pipe made of glass fibre of refractive index 1.68. The outer coating of the pipe is made of a material of refractive index 1.44. What is the range of angles of the incident rays with the axis of the pipe for which total internal reflection inside the pipe takes place ?


A vessel contains a slab of glass 8cm thick and of refractive index 1.6 over the slab, the vessel is filled by oil of refractive index m upto height 4.5 cm and also by another liquid i.e., water of refractive index fraction numerator 4 over denominator 3 end fraction and height 6cm as shown in figure. An observer looking down from above, observes that, a mark at the bottom of the glass slab appears to be raised up to position 6cm from the bottom of the slab. The refractive index of the oil is

A vessel contains a slab of glass 8cm thick and of refractive index 1.6 over the slab, the vessel is filled by oil of refractive index m upto height 4.5 cm and also by another liquid i.e., water of refractive index fraction numerator 4 over denominator 3 end fraction and height 6cm as shown in figure. An observer looking down from above, observes that, a mark at the bottom of the glass slab appears to be raised up to position 6cm from the bottom of the slab. The refractive index of the oil is


In the Figure, AB and BK represent incident and reflected rays. If angle BCF = 35º. Then angle B F P. will be equal to ____ degrees

In the Figure, AB and BK represent incident and reflected rays. If angle BCF = 35º. Then angle B F P. will be equal to ____ degrees


Assertion : The net deviation suffered by a light ray incident on a plane mirror as shown in the figure is 360 degree minus 2 cross times 30 degree equals 300 degree
Reason : A ray of light is incident on a plane mirror at an angle i with the normal to the mirror. It strikes another plane mirror inclined at an angle theta with the first mirror. It is given that i less than theta. The net deviation produced after reflection once from each mirror is2 pi minus 2 theta.
A) If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.
B) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not correct explanation of the Assertion.
C) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
D) If Assertion is false but Reason is true.

Assertion : The net deviation suffered by a light ray incident on a plane mirror as shown in the figure is 360 degree minus 2 cross times 30 degree equals 300 degree
Reason : A ray of light is incident on a plane mirror at an angle i with the normal to the mirror. It strikes another plane mirror inclined at an angle theta with the first mirror. It is given that i less than theta. The net deviation produced after reflection once from each mirror is2 pi minus 2 theta.
A) If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.
B) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not correct explanation of the Assertion.
C) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
D) If Assertion is false but Reason is true.


Assertion : In YDSE number of bridge figure or dark fringe can not be unlimited
Reason : In YDSE path difference between the superposing waves can not be more than the distance between the slits.
A) If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.
B) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not correct explanation of the Assertion.
C) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
D) If Assertion is false but Reason is true.

Assertion : In YDSE number of bridge figure or dark fringe can not be unlimited
Reason : In YDSE path difference between the superposing waves can not be more than the distance between the slits.
A) If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.
B) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not correct explanation of the Assertion.
C) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
D) If Assertion is false but Reason is true.


Assertion : A beam of light containing radiations of only two wavelengths is incident on a prism. It is found that radiations of one wavelength come out from the face AC of the prism but radiations of other wavelength does not.
Reason : The condition of total internal reflection is satisfied for one wavelength and not for other.
A) If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.
B) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not correct explanation of the Assertion.
C) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
D) If Assertion is false but Reason is true.

Assertion : A beam of light containing radiations of only two wavelengths is incident on a prism. It is found that radiations of one wavelength come out from the face AC of the prism but radiations of other wavelength does not.
Reason : The condition of total internal reflection is satisfied for one wavelength and not for other.
A) If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.
B) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not correct explanation of the Assertion.
C) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
D) If Assertion is false but Reason is true.


In an interference arrangement similar to Young's double – slit experiment, the slits S subscript 1 end subscript and S subscript 2 end subscript are illuminated with coherent microwave sources, each of frequency 1 0 to the power of 6 end exponent H z. The sources are synchronized to have zero phase difference. The slits are separated by a distance d equals 150.0 m. The intensity l open parentheses theta close parentheses is measured as a function of theta comma where thetais defined as shown. If l subscript 0 end subscript is the maximum intensity, then l open parentheses theta close parentheses for 0 greater or equal than theta less or equal than 90 degreeis given by

In an interference arrangement similar to Young's double – slit experiment, the slits S subscript 1 end subscript and S subscript 2 end subscript are illuminated with coherent microwave sources, each of frequency 1 0 to the power of 6 end exponent H z. The sources are synchronized to have zero phase difference. The slits are separated by a distance d equals 150.0 m. The intensity l open parentheses theta close parentheses is measured as a function of theta comma where thetais defined as shown. If l subscript 0 end subscript is the maximum intensity, then l open parentheses theta close parentheses for 0 greater or equal than theta less or equal than 90 degreeis given by


In an interference arrangement, similar to Young's double slit experiment, the slits S l 1 and S subscript 2 end subscript are illuminated with coherent microwave sources, each of frequency 106 Hz. The sources are syn necrotized to have zero phase difference. The slits are separated by distance d equals 150 m. The intensity l subscript open parentheses theta close parentheses end subscript is measured as a function of theta comma where theta is defined as shown in figure. If l subscript 0 end subscript is maximum intensity, then l subscript open parentheses theta close parentheses end subscript for 0 less or equal than theta less or equal than 90 is given by

In an interference arrangement, similar to Young's double slit experiment, the slits S l 1 and S subscript 2 end subscript are illuminated with coherent microwave sources, each of frequency 106 Hz. The sources are syn necrotized to have zero phase difference. The slits are separated by distance d equals 150 m. The intensity l subscript open parentheses theta close parentheses end subscript is measured as a function of theta comma where theta is defined as shown in figure. If l subscript 0 end subscript is maximum intensity, then l subscript open parentheses theta close parentheses end subscript for 0 less or equal than theta less or equal than 90 is given by


A parallel narrow beam of light is incident on the surface of a transparent hemisphere of radius R and refractive index mu equals 1.5 as shown. The position of the image formed by refraction at the spherical surface only is

A parallel narrow beam of light is incident on the surface of a transparent hemisphere of radius R and refractive index mu equals 1.5 as shown. The position of the image formed by refraction at the spherical surface only is


A glass prism of refractive index 1.5 is immersed in water open parentheses mu equals 4 divided by 3 close parentheses. Light beam incident normally on the face AB is totally reflected to reach the face BC if

A glass prism of refractive index 1.5 is immersed in water open parentheses mu equals 4 divided by 3 close parentheses. Light beam incident normally on the face AB is totally reflected to reach the face BC if


Two identical sources P and Q emit waves in same phases and of same wavelength. Spacing between P and Q is 3 lambda. The maximum distance from P along the x-axis at which a minimum intensity occurs is given by

Two identical sources P and Q emit waves in same phases and of same wavelength. Spacing between P and Q is 3 lambda. The maximum distance from P along the x-axis at which a minimum intensity occurs is given by


A thin isosceles prism with angle 4° and refractive index 1.5 is placed inside a transparent tube with water open parentheses text refractiveindex end text equals fraction numerator 5 over denominator 4 end fraction close parenthesesas shown. The deviation of light due to prism will be

A thin isosceles prism with angle 4° and refractive index 1.5 is placed inside a transparent tube with water open parentheses text refractiveindex end text equals fraction numerator 5 over denominator 4 end fraction close parenthesesas shown. The deviation of light due to prism will be


A thin plano-convex lens of focal length 15 cm has its plane side silvered. An object is placed on the principle axis of the lens at a distance 20 cm from it as shown. The final position of the image is

A thin plano-convex lens of focal length 15 cm has its plane side silvered. An object is placed on the principle axis of the lens at a distance 20 cm from it as shown. The final position of the image is


The slab of a material of refractive index 2 shown in figure has a curved surface APB of radius of curvature 10 cm and a plane surface CD. On the left of APB is air on the right of CD is water with refractive indices as given in the figure. An object O is placed at a distance of 15 cm the pole P as shown. The distance of the final image of O from P, as viewed normally from the left is

The slab of a material of refractive index 2 shown in figure has a curved surface APB of radius of curvature 10 cm and a plane surface CD. On the left of APB is air on the right of CD is water with refractive indices as given in the figure. An object O is placed at a distance of 15 cm the pole P as shown. The distance of the final image of O from P, as viewed normally from the left is


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