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Conic Sections

May 27, 2024

Conic sections, which are basic notions of geometry, appear as a consequence of the intersection of a plane with the double cone. These curves, circles, ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas are perfect shapes in mathematics and are not just generic abstract shapes but have interesting real-life applications that are used in fields such as astronomy, engineering, and physics. 

To learn about conic sections, one must understand the specific characteristics that define them, learn the equations that describe these forms, and be able to solve them. Additionally, it is essential to know where in the world these forms are used or what they are used in mathematics. 


This article discusses the practical lessons in studying theoretical and applied mathematics while highlighting the beauty and practicality of these basic geometrical constructs.

What are Conic Sections?

Conic sections, otherwise referred to as Conics, are rational curves defined as the intersection of a plane with a double cone. Depending on the angle and position of the intersection, the resulting curves can be one of four types. The motion of objects can be circles, ellipses, parabolas, or even hyperbolas. 


1. Circle: This is formed when the plane cuts the cone along a plane that is parallel to the cone’s base.

2. Ellipse: For instance, if the plane is cutting the cone, though not through its base, an ellipse is formed.


3. Parabola: Should the plane be parallel to a generatrix, a parabola will be formed. In one case, if a plane is in parallel with the generatrix, which is a line along the cone, it produces a parabola.

4. Hyperbola: This happens when the plane in question penetrates both of the cones’ nappes, creating two separate curves.


How to Identify Conic Sections?

To identify conic sections, one can examine the general quadratic equation of the form:



The type of conic section can be determined by evaluating the discriminant, 




  • Circle: B=0 and 𝐴=C
  • Ellipse: Δ<0 and 𝐴≠C
  • Parabola: Δ=0
  • Hyperbola: Δ>0

How to Solve Conic Sections?

When solving conic sections, one aims to determine the equation of the conic section, the position of foci, vertices, and axes, and in the case of hyperbola and some parabolas, the position of asymptotes. Below is a brief guide on how to solve each type of conic section:



The standard form of a circle’s equation is:

[(x – h)² + (y – k)² = r²]

  • Centre : ( (h, k) )
  • Radius: ( r )

To solve, identify (h), (k), and (r) from the equation.


The standard form of an ellipse’s equation is:

[{(x – h)²}{a²} + {(y – k)²}{b²} = 1 ]

  • Center: ( (h, k))
  • Major axis length:(2a)
  • Minor axis length:(2b)
  • Foci: Located at ((h±c,k) or (ℎ,𝑘±𝑐,where, 𝑐=√(𝑎2−𝑏2)


The standard form of a parabola’s equation is:

[ (y – k)²= 4p(x – h)] or [ (x – h)² = 4p(y – k]

  • Vertex: (h, k)
  • Focus: ( (h, k + p)) or ( (h + p, k) )
  • Directrix: ( y = k – p ) or ( x = h – p)


The standard form of a hyperbola’s equation is:

{(x – h)²}{a²} – {(y – k)²}{b²} = 1] or [{(y – k)²}{a²} – {(x – h)²}{b²} = 1 ]

  • Center:  (h, k)
  • Vertices: ( (h \pm a, k) or ( (h, k \pm a))
  • Foci: (ℎ±𝑐, 𝑘 or(ℎ,𝑘±𝑐, (h,k±c) where 𝑐=√𝑎²+b²
  • Asymptotes: Lines that the hyperbola approaches but never touches, given by 𝑦=𝑘±𝑏𝑎(𝑥−ℎ), y=k±ab ​(x−h)

How to Make a Picture Using Conic Sections?

A conic section is a branch of geometry that deals with shapes made by intersecting circular cones by a plane.

An image is generated by joining different forms with others to make a specific shape. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Conceptualize the Image

Choose the course of the image that is to be adopted (e. g. One of the main ideas of the play is that the objects around us have their own faces, which are not beautiful and smooth like human faces but are just as important as one’s face, for example, a face, an animal, a pattern).

Sketch the Outline

Sketch the given image roughly, note the important aspects that you need to consider, and differentiate between each segment that belongs to a conic section.

Determine the Equations

The best feature of this sketch is that each conic section is labeled, so one can easily read the equation and parameters of each conic, such as center, axes, focal points, etc.

Plot the Conics

To visualize the obtained conic, draw each of the conics sections using the parameters calculated here with the help of graphical software or on the graph sheet. Always make sure the sections are correctly sized and placed properly.

Example: Drawing a Face

  • Eyes (Ellipses): Use two ellipses for the eyes. For example, ((x – 3)² / 4 + (y – 4)² / 2 = 1) and ((x + 3)² / 4 + (y – 4)²/ 2 = 1).
  • Nose (Parabola): Use a parabola for the nose. For example, ((x – 0)² = 8(y – 1)).
  • Mouth (Hyperbola): Use part of a hyperbola for a smiling mouth. For example, ((x – 0)²/ 4 – (y + 1)² / 2 = 1).

Tools for Creating Conic Section Pictures

  • Graphing Calculators: Graphing calculators use conic sections. Graphing calculators come with built-in features to enable the plotting of conic sections.
  • Graphing Software: The graphs of conic sections can then be made using other software like Desmos or GeoGebra or even a simple spreadsheeting application.
  • Mathematical Software: The recreational angles of calculus are geometric, and conics may be easily plotted and graphed with the help of software like Mathematica or MATLAB.

With these tools and methods, it is easy to bring several conic sections together and make complex and accurate art pieces, which sharpens the artistic and mathematical prowess of the brain.


Learning the curves, circles, ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas is essential to grasp the basics of geometry in terms of conic sections. Take the learning courses on Turito, the learning platform that effectively prepares you for your exams and helps you achieve high exam scores.


What are conic sections?

Conic sections are the curves formed by the intersection of a plane with a double-napped cone. The main types are circles, ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas, each resulting from different angles and positions of the intersecting plane.

How can you identify different conic sections?

Different conic sections can be identified by their unique shapes and properties:
Circle: A perfectly round shape where every point is equidistant from the center.
Ellipse: An oval shape with two focal points where the sum of the distances to the focal points is constant.
Parabola: A symmetrical open curve where any point is equidistant from a fixed point (focus) and a line (directrix).
Hyperbola: Two separate curves opening in opposite directions with two focal points where the difference of the distances to the focal points is constant.

What are some real-world applications of conic sections?

Conic sections have numerous real-world applications:
Circles: Used in designing wheels, clocks, and various mechanical parts.
Ellipses: Orbits of planets and satellites are elliptical, which helps in understanding and predicting their paths.
Parabolas: Used in the design of satellite dishes and headlights to focus signals and light.
Hyperbolas: Used in navigation systems like GPS to determine precise locations by calculating distances.

Conic Sections


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