In fraction multiplication, first we multiply the numerators of the given numbers. This product becomes the numerator of the product. Then we multiply the denominators of the given numbers, which becomes the denominator of the product. Thus, we get a product. Now, in this question we will not get the product in the simplest form so we need to reduce it to the simplest form. To reduce it we need to divide both the numerator and the denominator by the HCF [highest common factor] of both the numbers.
The correct answer is: 
Step by step solution:
The way to multiply a fraction is by simply multiplying straight across. The product is also supposed to be a fraction so the numerator of the product will be the product of the numerators of the given numbers and the denominator of the product will be the product of the denominators of the given numbers.
In the given question, 
Now, the product that we have got is not in its simplest form. For that we need to divide both the numerator and the denominator by the HCF [ Highest Common Factor] of both the numbers, i.e., 6 in this question.
Hence, we get 
Thus, the correct option is option (a)
Another approach to the question could be that first we can cut both the 3s, i.e., the 3 in the numerator of the first fraction and the 3 in the denominator of the second fraction. Also, we can reduce the 8 in the denominator of the first fraction and the 2 in the numerator in the second fraction. The 8 gets reduced to 4.
Thus, option (a) is the correct option.
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In the question, another approach could be that we can cut the 2 in the denominator of the first fraction by the 4 in the numerator of the second fraction and reduce the 4 to 2. Then, we get
Thus, we get option (c) as the correct option.
In the question, another approach could be that we can cut the 2 in the denominator of the first fraction by the 4 in the numerator of the second fraction and reduce the 4 to 2. Then, we get
Thus, we get option (c) as the correct option.
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In the question, another approach could be that we can reduce the first fraction
Then we get, . Here, the 3 in the denominator of the first fraction gets cut by the 3 in the numerator of the second fraction. Hence, we get the product as
Thus, we get option (a) as the correct option.
In the question, another approach could be that we can reduce the first fraction
Then we get, . Here, the 3 in the denominator of the first fraction gets cut by the 3 in the numerator of the second fraction. Hence, we get the product as
Thus, we get option (a) as the correct option.
In the question, another approach could be that we can reduce into
by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 2 which is the HCF of both the numerator and the denominator. Then we simply get
Thus, the correct option is option (a)
In the question, another approach could be that we can reduce into
by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 2 which is the HCF of both the numerator and the denominator. Then we simply get
Thus, the correct option is option (a)
In the question, another approach could be that we can cut both the threes and the sevens, i.e., 3 in the numerator of the first fraction and the 3 in the denominator of the second fraction and 7 in the denominator of the first fraction and 7 in the numerator of the second fraction.. That way we do not have to reduce the fraction later into its simplest form.
Thus, we get option (d) as the correct option.
In the question, another approach could be that we can cut both the threes and the sevens, i.e., 3 in the numerator of the first fraction and the 3 in the denominator of the second fraction and 7 in the denominator of the first fraction and 7 in the numerator of the second fraction.. That way we do not have to reduce the fraction later into its simplest form.
Thus, we get option (d) as the correct option.
In the question, another approach could be that we can cut both the sixes, i.e., 6 in the numerator of the first fraction and the 6 in the denominator of the second fraction. That way we do not have to reduce the fraction later into its simplest form.
Thus, we get option (d) as the correct option.
In the question, another approach could be that we can cut both the sixes, i.e., 6 in the numerator of the first fraction and the 6 in the denominator of the second fraction. That way we do not have to reduce the fraction later into its simplest form.
Thus, we get option (d) as the correct option.
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Maria bought 3 pounds of ground beef for hamburgers. If the hamburger is sold for $4.19 a pound, calculate the money Maria spent.
Another approach to the question could be that we could add $4.19, i.e., the price per pound 3 (pounds of ground meat bought) times.
Thus, the total money spent by Maria = $4.19 +$4.19 + $4.19
= $ 12.57
Thus, option (a) is the correct option.
Maria bought 3 pounds of ground beef for hamburgers. If the hamburger is sold for $4.19 a pound, calculate the money Maria spent.
Another approach to the question could be that we could add $4.19, i.e., the price per pound 3 (pounds of ground meat bought) times.
Thus, the total money spent by Maria = $4.19 +$4.19 + $4.19
= $ 12.57
Thus, option (a) is the correct option.
Taylor earns $8.50 per hour as an auto mechanic. The total money Taylor will earn if she works 4.5 hours on Friday is
Another approach to the question could be that add $8.50, i.e., the money she earns per hour 4.5 times to get the total money she earns.
Therefore, total money she earns on Friday = $8.50 + $8.50 + $8.50 + $8.50 + $(8.50/2) [here er divide the last 8.50 by 2 because the number of hours she worked is 4.5, i.e., four and a half]
=$ 38.25
Taylor earns $8.50 per hour as an auto mechanic. The total money Taylor will earn if she works 4.5 hours on Friday is
Another approach to the question could be that add $8.50, i.e., the money she earns per hour 4.5 times to get the total money she earns.
Therefore, total money she earns on Friday = $8.50 + $8.50 + $8.50 + $8.50 + $(8.50/2) [here er divide the last 8.50 by 2 because the number of hours she worked is 4.5, i.e., four and a half]
=$ 38.25