

Out of 800 boys in a school 224 played cricket, 240 played hockey and 336 played basketball. Of the total, 64 played both basketball and hockey; 80 played cricket and basketball and 40 played cricket and hockey; 24 played all the three games. The number of boys who did not play any game is

  1. 160  
  2. 240  
  3. 216  
  4. 128  

The correct answer is: 160

    Let U be the set of all students in the school. Let C comma H and B denote the sets of students who played cricket, hockey and basketball respectively. Then,
    n open parentheses U close parentheses equals 800 comma n open parentheses C close parentheses equals 224 comma n open parentheses H close parentheses equals 240 comma n open parentheses B close parentheses equals 336
    n open parentheses H intersection B close parentheses equals 64 comma n open parentheses B intersection C close parentheses equals 80 comma n open parentheses H intersection C close parentheses equals 40
    a n d comma blank n open parentheses H intersection B intersection C close parentheses equals 24
    therefore Required number
    equals n left parenthesis C ´ intersection H ´ intersection B ´ right parenthesis
    equals n left parenthesis C union H union B right parenthesis ´
    equals n open parentheses U close parentheses minus n left parenthesis C union H union B right parenthesis
    equals n open parentheses U close parentheses minus open curly brackets table row cell n open parentheses C close parentheses plus n open parentheses H close parentheses plus n open parentheses B close parentheses minus n open parentheses C intersection H close parentheses minus n open parentheses H intersection B close parentheses minus n open parentheses B intersection C close parentheses end cell row cell plus n open parentheses C intersection H intersection B close parentheses end cell end table close curly brackets
    equals 800 minus left curly bracket 224 plus 240 plus 336 plus 336 minus 64 minus 80 minus 40 plus 24 right curly bracket
    equals 800 minus 640 equals 160

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