

Write 345,120 in words

  1. Three billion forty five thousand one hundred twenty
  2. Three million forty five thousand one hundred twenty
  3. Three hundred forty five thousand one hundred twenty
  4. Three forty five billion one hundred twenty


The number 345 comma 120 can also be written as:
345 comma 120 space equals space 3 cross times 100 comma 000 plus 45 cross times 10 comma 000 plus 1 cross times 100 plus 2 cross times 10

The correct answer is: Three billion forty five thousand one hundred twenty

    The number 345 comma 120 can also be written as:
    345 comma 120 space equals space 3 cross times 100 comma 000 plus 45 cross times 10 comma 000 plus 1 cross times 100 plus 2 cross times 10
    So, the number in words will be
    Three Billion Forty Five Thousand One Hundred Twenty

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