

F o l l o w i n g space f i g u r e space s h o w s space t w o space p r o c e s s e s space A space a n d space B space f o r space a space g a s. space I f space straight capital delta straight Q subscript straight A space a n d space space straight capital delta Q subscript B
a r e space t h e space a m o u n t space o f space h e a t space a b s o r b e d space b y space t h e space s y s t e m space i n space t w o space c a s e s comma space a n d space capital delta straight U subscript straight A space a n d space straight capital delta straight U subscript straight B space a r e space c h a n g e s space i n space i n t e r n a l space e n e r g i e s comma
r e s p e c t i v e l y comma space t h e n space colon

  1. capital delta straight Q subscript straight A greater than capital delta straight Q subscript straight B comma capital delta straight U subscript straight A greater than capital delta straight U subscript straight B
  2. straight capital delta straight Q subscript straight A less than straight capital delta straight Q subscript straight B comma straight capital delta straight U subscript straight A less than straight capital delta straight U subscript straight B
  3. straight capital delta straight Q subscript straight A greater than straight capital delta straight Q subscript straight B comma straight capital delta straight U subscript straight A equals straight capital delta straight U subscript straight B
  4. capital delta straight Q subscript straight A equals capital delta straight Q subscript straight B semicolon capital delta straight U subscript straight A equals capital delta straight U subscript straight B

The correct answer is: straight capital delta straight Q subscript straight A greater than straight capital delta straight Q subscript straight B comma straight capital delta straight U subscript straight A equals straight capital delta straight U subscript straight B

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F o l l o w i n g space f i g u r e space s h o w s space t w o space p r o c e s s e s space A space a n d space B space f o r space a space g a s. space I f space straight capital delta straight Q subscript straight A space a n d space space straight capital delta Q subscript B
a r e space t h e space a m o u n t space o f space h e a t space a b s o r b e d space b y space t h e space s y s t e m space i n space t w o space c a s e s comma space a n d space capital delta straight U subscript straight A space a n d space straight capital delta straight U subscript straight B space a r e space c h a n g e s space i n space i n t e r n a l space e n e r g i e s comma
r e s p e c t i v e l y comma space t h e n space colon

F o l l o w i n g space f i g u r e space s h o w s space t w o space p r o c e s s e s space A space a n d space B space f o r space a space g a s. space I f space straight capital delta straight Q subscript straight A space a n d space space straight capital delta Q subscript B
a r e space t h e space a m o u n t space o f space h e a t space a b s o r b e d space b y space t h e space s y s t e m space i n space t w o space c a s e s comma space a n d space capital delta straight U subscript straight A space a n d space straight capital delta straight U subscript straight B space a r e space c h a n g e s space i n space i n t e r n a l space e n e r g i e s comma
r e s p e c t i v e l y comma space t h e n space colon


F o r space a space g i v e n space a t space 1 space a t m space p r e s s u r e comma space r m s space s p e e d space o f space t h e space m o l e c u l e s space i s space 200 space m divided by s space a t space 127 º C. space A t space 2 space a t m space p r e s s u r e space
a n d space a t space 227 º C comma space t h e space r m s space s p e e d space o f space t h e space m o l e c u l e s space w i l l space b e

F o r space a space g i v e n space a t space 1 space a t m space p r e s s u r e comma space r m s space s p e e d space o f space t h e space m o l e c u l e s space i s space 200 space m divided by s space a t space 127 º C. space A t space 2 space a t m space p r e s s u r e space
a n d space a t space 227 º C comma space t h e space r m s space s p e e d space o f space t h e space m o l e c u l e s space w i l l space b e


A lens always forms a virtual, upright, and diminished image of an object placed in front of it. It is a ____ lens.

A lens always forms a virtual, upright, and diminished image of an object placed in front of it. It is a ____ lens.


What kind of images does a convex lens not form?

What kind of images does a convex lens not form?


The lens of a pair of spectacles used by a person is thinner in the middle and thicker towards the edges. The lens used in the spectacles is ____.

The lens of a pair of spectacles used by a person is thinner in the middle and thicker towards the edges. The lens used in the spectacles is ____.


A concave lens forms a virtual, upright, and diminished image of an object ____.

A concave lens forms a virtual, upright, and diminished image of an object ____.


A lens can only form a virtual, upright, and diminished images irrespective of the distance between the lens and the object. It is a ____ lens.

A lens can only form a virtual, upright, and diminished images irrespective of the distance between the lens and the object. It is a ____ lens.


In the setup shown in the picture below, the sun rays are focused on a paper by a magnifying glass, which results in the paper catching fire. If the magnifying glass was replaced by a concave lens, the paper does not catch fire. Why?

In the setup shown in the picture below, the sun rays are focused on a paper by a magnifying glass, which results in the paper catching fire. If the magnifying glass was replaced by a concave lens, the paper does not catch fire. Why?


The angle between the incident ray and the emergent ray is not equal to ____ degrees when the light gets refracted through a spherical lens.

The angle between the incident ray and the emergent ray is not equal to ____ degrees when the light gets refracted through a spherical lens.


Concave lenses are also called ____ lenses.

Concave lenses are also called ____ lenses.


When a parallel beam of light falls on a surface of a concave lens it ____ the rays of light in such a way that they appear to originate from a point called ____.

When a parallel beam of light falls on a surface of a concave lens it ____ the rays of light in such a way that they appear to originate from a point called ____.


A light ray bends ____ on entering a ____.

A light ray bends ____ on entering a ____.


The eye lens of a human eye is thicker in the middle as compared to the edges. It is a ___ lens.

The eye lens of a human eye is thicker in the middle as compared to the edges. It is a ___ lens.


A magnifying glass is placed in the path of sun rays, and a sharp point-sized image of the Sun is obtained on a paper placed on the other side of the magnifying glass. This image is formed at the ___ of the glass.

A magnifying glass is placed in the path of sun rays, and a sharp point-sized image of the Sun is obtained on a paper placed on the other side of the magnifying glass. This image is formed at the ___ of the glass.


A lens can always form both real and inverted and virtual and upright images of an object placed in front of it. It is a ____ lens.

A lens can always form both real and inverted and virtual and upright images of an object placed in front of it. It is a ____ lens.


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