

The capillaries shown in figure have inner radii 0.5 mm,1.0 mm and 1.5 mm respectively. The liquid in the beaker is water. Find the heights of water level in the capillaries. The surface tension of water is 7.5 space cross times 10 to the power of negative 2 end exponent blank N divided by m.

  1. 2 cm in A,3 cm in B and 1 cm in C    
  2. 3 cm in A,1.5 cm in B and 1 cm in C    
  3. 2 cm in A,1.5 cm in B and 1 cm in C    
  4. 3 cm in A,2 cm in B and 2 cm in C    

The correct answer is: 3 cm in A,1.5 cm in B and 1 cm in C

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