

The primary and secondary coils of a transformer have 50 and 1500 turns respectively. If the magnetic fluxblank ϕlinked with the primary coil is given by ϕ equals ϕ subscript 0 end subscript plus 4 t comma where ϕ blankis in weber, t is time in second and ϕ subscript 0 end subscriptis a constant, the output voltage across the secondary coil is

  1. 90 V  
  2. 120 V  
  3. 220 V  
  4. 30V  

The correct answer is: 120 V

    The magnetic flux linked with the primary coil is given by
    ϕ equals ϕ subscript 0 end subscript plus 4 t
    So, voltage across primary
    V subscript P end subscript equals fraction numerator d ϕ over denominator d t end fraction equals fraction numerator d over denominator d t end fraction left parenthesis ϕ plus 4 t right parenthesis
    equals 4 blank V left parenthesis a s blank ϕ subscript 0 end subscript equals c o n s t a n t right parenthesis
    Also, we have
    N subscript P end subscript equals 50 blank a n d blank N subscript S end subscript equals 1500
    From relation,
    fraction numerator V subscript S end subscript over denominator V subscript P end subscript end fraction equals fraction numerator N subscript S end subscript over denominator N subscript P end subscript end fraction
    Or V subscript S end subscript equals V subscript P end subscript fraction numerator N subscript S end subscript over denominator N subscript P end subscript end fraction equals 4 open parentheses fraction numerator 1500 over denominator 50 end fraction close parentheses equals 120 V

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