

the screw and stud touch each other, the edge of a certain screw gauge is to the right of the C mark on the main scale and 5th division of the circular scale coincides with the line of graduation then what is the value of zero error ?

  1. zero error =+0.95 mm    
  2. zero error =-0.95 mm    
  3. zero error =+0.05 mm    
  4. zero error =-0.05 mm    

The correct answer is: zero error =+0.05 mm

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Read and choose the correct  answer.
This is my dog Max Max is a big black dog. He is good at running. He sleeps on a blue mat.
a) Mar is
my dog   my cat   my parrot
b) He is a big          dog
Brown    red      Black
c) He is good at
running, jumping eating

Read and choose the correct  answer.
This is my dog Max Max is a big black dog. He is good at running. He sleeps on a blue mat.
a) Mar is
my dog   my cat   my parrot
b) He is a big          dog
Brown    red      Black
c) He is good at
running, jumping eating



Read the essay. Answer the questions.
Homemade oatmeal cookies are not only a better option than a candy bar ox pack of crackers, they actually good for
you, While processed foods it nutrients out during processing, homemade treats keep the nutrients in.
One one-once, homemade oatmeal cookies will give you up to 27 mg of folic of your daily recommended allowance
(R&A) B vitamin that your body uses to make energy
It will also give you small amounts of vitamin A  vitamin k. Oatmeal cookies are also a good of iron -9% of the
R&A for men and 4% of the R&A for women. It also contains small amounts of potassium and zic. Finally, oatmeal cookie
we give you a whole gram of soluble fiber, which se "bad “cholesterol and lowers your risk g her disease. So the next
time you have a sweet lost don't try to talk yourself out of it. Simply mall smart choice, an have oatmeal cookie
What is the authors purpose in writing this article?

Read the essay. Answer the questions.
Homemade oatmeal cookies are not only a better option than a candy bar ox pack of crackers, they actually good for
you, While processed foods it nutrients out during processing, homemade treats keep the nutrients in.
One one-once, homemade oatmeal cookies will give you up to 27 mg of folic of your daily recommended allowance
(R&A) B vitamin that your body uses to make energy
It will also give you small amounts of vitamin A  vitamin k. Oatmeal cookies are also a good of iron -9% of the
R&A for men and 4% of the R&A for women. It also contains small amounts of potassium and zic. Finally, oatmeal cookie
we give you a whole gram of soluble fiber, which se "bad “cholesterol and lowers your risk g her disease. So the next
time you have a sweet lost don't try to talk yourself out of it. Simply mall smart choice, an have oatmeal cookie
What is the authors purpose in writing this article?


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The name of my school is Heaven School. 1 go to by bus. It has a principal office, staffroom, a library, a computer lab and a toilet block. It has twenty classrooms. All the teachers are able and hardworking. It is famous on town. I like my school. I am proud of my school.

The name of my school is Heaven School. 1 go to by bus. It has a principal office, staffroom, a library, a computer lab and a toilet block. It has twenty classrooms. All the teachers are able and hardworking. It is famous on town. I like my school. I am proud of my school.


After he had counted his money, the kind man divided it up among the people he loved and cared for, keeping just enough to care for himself. Upon seeing this, his friend spoke to him, "You clearly do not understand the value of money!" The man smiled kindly and responded, "You clearly do not understand the value of people."

After he had counted his money, the kind man divided it up among the people he loved and cared for, keeping just enough to care for himself. Upon seeing this, his friend spoke to him, "You clearly do not understand the value of money!" The man smiled kindly and responded, "You clearly do not understand the value of people."


It was a hot summer day. A lion and a boar reach a small water body for a drink. They begin arguing and fighting about who should drink first. After a while, they are tired and stop for breath, when they notice vultures above. Soon they realize that the vultures are waiting for one or both of them to fall, to feast on them. The lion and the boar then decide that it was best to make up and be friends than fight and become food for vultures. They drink the water together and go their ways after.

It was a hot summer day. A lion and a boar reach a small water body for a drink. They begin arguing and fighting about who should drink first. After a while, they are tired and stop for breath, when they notice vultures above. Soon they realize that the vultures are waiting for one or both of them to fall, to feast on them. The lion and the boar then decide that it was best to make up and be friends than fight and become food for vultures. They drink the water together and go their ways after.


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The boys gave themselves enough time to practice for the finals


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