

A solution contains non volatile solute of molecular mass M subscript 2 end subscript. Which of the following can be used to calculate the molecular mass of solute in terms of osmotic pressure -

  1. straight M subscript 2 equals open parentheses straight m subscript 2 over pi close parentheses VRT    
  2. M subscript 2 end subscript equals open parentheses fraction numerator m subscript 2 end subscript over denominator text end text V end fraction close parentheses fraction numerator R T over denominator pi end fraction    
  3. straight M subscript 2 equals open parentheses m subscript 2 over straight V close parentheses pi RT    
  4. straight M subscript 2 equals open parentheses straight m subscript 2 over straight V close parentheses pi over RT    

The correct answer is: M subscript 2 end subscript equals open parentheses fraction numerator m subscript 2 end subscript over denominator text end text V end fraction close parentheses fraction numerator R T over denominator pi end fraction

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When a force F is applied on a block of mass m resting on a horizontal surface then there are two possibilities, either block moves by translation or it moves by toppling. If the surface is smooth then the block always translates but on a rough surface it topples only when the torque of the applied force F is greater than the torque of mg about a point in contact with the ground. When the force F is applied the body may topple about A or it may translate. If the block is a cube of edge a and mu = 0.6 then :-

When a force F is applied on a block of mass m resting on a horizontal surface then there are two possibilities, either block moves by translation or it moves by toppling. If the surface is smooth then the block always translates but on a rough surface it topples only when the torque of the applied force F is greater than the torque of mg about a point in contact with the ground. When the force F is applied the body may topple about A or it may translate. If the block is a cube of edge a and mu = 0.6 then :-


When a force F is applied on a block of mass m resting on a horizontal surface then there are two possibilities, either block moves by translation or it moves by toppling. If the surface is smooth then the block always translates but on a rough surface it topples only when the torque of the applied force F is greater than the torque of mg about a point in contact with the ground. When the force F is applied the body may topple about A or it may translate.If the block be a cube of edge a and mu = 0.2 then :-

When a force F is applied on a block of mass m resting on a horizontal surface then there are two possibilities, either block moves by translation or it moves by toppling. If the surface is smooth then the block always translates but on a rough surface it topples only when the torque of the applied force F is greater than the torque of mg about a point in contact with the ground. When the force F is applied the body may topple about A or it may translate.If the block be a cube of edge a and mu = 0.2 then :-


When a force F is applied on a block of mass m resting on a horizontal surface then there are two possibilities, either block moves by translation or it moves by toppling. If the surface is smooth then the block always translates but on a rough surface it topples only when the torque of the applied force F is greater than the torque of mg about a point in contact with the ground. When the force F is applied the body may topple about A or it may translate. When the block topples about A, the normal force :-

When a force F is applied on a block of mass m resting on a horizontal surface then there are two possibilities, either block moves by translation or it moves by toppling. If the surface is smooth then the block always translates but on a rough surface it topples only when the torque of the applied force F is greater than the torque of mg about a point in contact with the ground. When the force F is applied the body may topple about A or it may translate. When the block topples about A, the normal force :-


A rod AB of length 2 m and mass 2 kg is lying on smooth horizontal x- y plane with its centre at origin O as shown figure. An impulse J of magnitude 10 N to the power of negative s end exponent is applied perpendicular to AB at A. Co-ordinates of point A of the rod after time t = fraction numerator pi over denominator 45 end fraction s will be :-

A rod AB of length 2 m and mass 2 kg is lying on smooth horizontal x- y plane with its centre at origin O as shown figure. An impulse J of magnitude 10 N to the power of negative s end exponent is applied perpendicular to AB at A. Co-ordinates of point A of the rod after time t = fraction numerator pi over denominator 45 end fraction s will be :-


A rod AB of length 2 m and mass 2 kg is lying on smooth horizontal x- y plane with its centre at origin O as shown figure. An impulse J of magnitude 10 N-s is applied perpendicular to AB at A. The distance of point P from centre of the rod which is at rest just after the impact is :-

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A disc of mass m and radius R is placed over a plank of same mass m. There is sufficient friction between disc and plank to prevent slipping. A force F is applied at the centre of the disc. Force of friction between the disc and the plank is :-

A disc of mass m and radius R is placed over a plank of same mass m. There is sufficient friction between disc and plank to prevent slipping. A force F is applied at the centre of the disc. Force of friction between the disc and the plank is :-


A disc of mass m and radius R is placed over a plank of same mass m. There is sufficient friction between disc and plank to prevent slipping. A force F is applied at the centre of the disc. Acceleration of the plank is :-

A disc of mass m and radius R is placed over a plank of same mass m. There is sufficient friction between disc and plank to prevent slipping. A force F is applied at the centre of the disc. Acceleration of the plank is :-


A small sphere of mass 1 kg is rolling without slipping on a stationary base with linear speed v = square root of fraction numerator 200 over denominator 7 end fraction end root m divided by s. It leaves the inclined plane at point C Find ratio of rotational and translational kinetic energy of the sphere when it strikes the ground after leaving from point C :-

A small sphere of mass 1 kg is rolling without slipping on a stationary base with linear speed v = square root of fraction numerator 200 over denominator 7 end fraction end root m divided by s. It leaves the inclined plane at point C Find ratio of rotational and translational kinetic energy of the sphere when it strikes the ground after leaving from point C :-


A small sphere of mass 1 kg is rolling without slipping on a stationary base with linear speed v = square root of fraction numerator 200 over denominator 7 end fraction end root m divided by s. It leaves the inclined plane at point C Find its linear speed at point C :-

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A solid sphere has linear velocity v subscript 0 end subscript = 4 m/s and angular velocity omega subscript 0 end subscript =9 rad/s as shown. Ground on which it is moving, is smooth. It collides elastically with a rough wall of coefficient of friction mu. Radius of the sphere is 1 m and mass is 2 kg. What is net linear impulse imparted by the wall on the sphere during impact :-

A solid sphere has linear velocity v subscript 0 end subscript = 4 m/s and angular velocity omega subscript 0 end subscript =9 rad/s as shown. Ground on which it is moving, is smooth. It collides elastically with a rough wall of coefficient of friction mu. Radius of the sphere is 1 m and mass is 2 kg. What is net linear impulse imparted by the wall on the sphere during impact :-


A solid sphere has linear velocity v subscript 0 end subscript = 4 m/s and angular velocity omega subscript 0 end subscript=9 rad/s as shown. Ground on which it is moving, is smooth. It collides elastically with a rough wall of coefficient of friction mu. Radius of the sphere is 1 m and mass is 2 kg. If the sphere after colliding with the wall roll without slipping in opposite direction, then coefficient of friction mu is :-

A solid sphere has linear velocity v subscript 0 end subscript = 4 m/s and angular velocity omega subscript 0 end subscript=9 rad/s as shown. Ground on which it is moving, is smooth. It collides elastically with a rough wall of coefficient of friction mu. Radius of the sphere is 1 m and mass is 2 kg. If the sphere after colliding with the wall roll without slipping in opposite direction, then coefficient of friction mu is :-


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A solid sphere is rolling without slipping on rough ground as shown in figure. It collides elastically with an identical another sphere at rest. There is no friction between the two spheres. Radius of each sphere is R and mass is m. What is the net angular impulse imparted to second sphere by the external forces ?


A solid sphere is rolling without slipping on rough ground as shown in figure. It collides elastically with an identical another sphere at rest. There is no friction between the two spheres. Radius of each sphere is R and mass is m. Linear velocity of first sphere after it again starts rolling without slipping is :-

A solid sphere is rolling without slipping on rough ground as shown in figure. It collides elastically with an identical another sphere at rest. There is no friction between the two spheres. Radius of each sphere is R and mass is m. Linear velocity of first sphere after it again starts rolling without slipping is :-


A solid sphere is kept over a smooth surface as shown is figure. It is hit by a cue at height h above the centre C. If the surface is rough, then after hitting the sphere, in which case the force of friction is in forward direction:-

A solid sphere is kept over a smooth surface as shown is figure. It is hit by a cue at height h above the centre C. If the surface is rough, then after hitting the sphere, in which case the force of friction is in forward direction:-


A solid sphere is kept over a smooth surface as shown is figure. It is hit by a cue at height h above the centre C. In case 1,blank h equals fraction numerator R over denominator 4 end fraction and in case 2,blank h equals fraction numerator R over denominator 2 end fraction Suppose in case 1 the sphere acquires a total kinetic energy K subscript 1 end subscript and in case 2 total kinetic energy is K subscript 2 end subscript . Then :-

A solid sphere is kept over a smooth surface as shown is figure. It is hit by a cue at height h above the centre C. In case 1,blank h equals fraction numerator R over denominator 4 end fraction and in case 2,blank h equals fraction numerator R over denominator 2 end fraction Suppose in case 1 the sphere acquires a total kinetic energy K subscript 1 end subscript and in case 2 total kinetic energy is K subscript 2 end subscript . Then :-


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