

A uniform sphere of radius R is placed on a rough horizontal surface and given a linear velocity v0 angular velocity omega subscript 0 end subscript as shown. The sphere comes to rest after moving some distance to the right. It follows that:

  1. v subscript 0 end subscript equals omega subscript 0 end subscript R    
  2. 2 v subscript 0 end subscript equals 5 omega subscript 0 end subscript R    
  3. 5 v subscript 0 end subscript equals 2 omega subscript 0 end subscript R    
  4. 2 v subscript 0 end subscript equals omega subscript 0 end subscript R    

The correct answer is: 5 v subscript 0 end subscript equals 2 omega subscript 0 end subscript R

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