

A velocity filter uses the properties of electric and magnetic fields to select charged particles that are moving with a specific velocity. Charged particles with varying speeds are directed into the filter as shown in figure. The filter consists of an electric field E and a magnetic field B, each of constant magnitude, directed perpendicular to each other as shown. The particles that move straight through the filter with their direction unaltered by the fields have the specific filter speed, V subscript 0 end subscript . Those with speeds to V subscript 0 end subscript may experience sufficiently little deflection that they also enter the detector.

The charged particle will experience a force due to the electric field given by the relationship stack F with rightwards arrow on top equals q stack E with bar on top where q is the charge of the particle and stack E with rightwards arrow on top is the electric field. The moving particle will also experience a force due to the magnetic field. This force acts to oppose the force due to the electric field. The strength of the force due to the magnetic field is given by the relationship stack F with rightwards arrow on top equals q left parenthesis stack v with bar on top cross times stack B with rightwards arrow on top right parenthesis where q is the charge of the particle, v rho is the speed of the particle, and stack B with bar on top is the magnetic field strength. When the forces due to the two fields are equal and opposite, the net force on the particle will be zero, and the particle will pass through the filter with its path unaltered. The electric and magnetic field strengths can be adjusted to choose the specific velocity to be filtered. The effects of gravity can be neglected.
Which of the following statements is true regarding a charged particle that is moving through the filter at a speed that is less than the filter speed ?

  1. It experiences a greater force due to the magnetic field than due to the electric field    
  2. It experiences a greater force due to the electric field than due to the magnetic field    
  3. It experiences equal force due to both fields but greater acceleration due to the electric field    
  4. It experiences equal force due to both fields but greater acceleration due to the magnetic field    

The correct answer is: It experiences a greater force due to the electric field than due to the magnetic field

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Two oxides of Metal contain 27.6% and 30% oxygen respectively. If the formula of first oxide is M subscript 2 end subscript O subscript 4 end subscript then formula of second oxide is -


A velocity filter uses the properties of electric and magnetic fields to select charged particles that are moving with a specific velocity. Charged particles with varying speeds are directed into the filter as shown in figure. The filter consists of an electric field E and a magnetic field B, each of constant magnitude, directed perpendicular to each other as shown. The particles that move straight through the filter with their direction unaltered by the fields have the specific filter speed, V subscript 0 end subscript . Those with speeds to V subscript 0 end subscript may experience sufficiently little deflection that they also enter the detector.

The charged particle will experience a force due to the electric field given by the relationship stack F with rightwards arrow on top equals q stack E with bar on top where q is the charge of the particle and stack E with rightwards arrow on top is the electric field. The moving particle will also experience a force due to the magnetic field. This force acts to oppose the force due to the electric field. The strength of the force due to the magnetic field is given by the relationship stack F with rightwards arrow on top equals q left parenthesis stack v with bar on top cross times stack B with rightwards arrow on top right parenthesis where q is the charge of the particle, v rho is the speed of the particle, and stack B with bar on top is the magnetic field strength. When the forces due to the two fields are equal and opposite, the net force on the particle will be zero, and the particle will pass through the filter with its path unaltered. The electric and magnetic field strengths can be adjusted to choose the specific velocity to be filtered. The effects of gravity can be neglected.
Which of the following is true about the velocity filter shown in figure?

A velocity filter uses the properties of electric and magnetic fields to select charged particles that are moving with a specific velocity. Charged particles with varying speeds are directed into the filter as shown in figure. The filter consists of an electric field E and a magnetic field B, each of constant magnitude, directed perpendicular to each other as shown. The particles that move straight through the filter with their direction unaltered by the fields have the specific filter speed, V subscript 0 end subscript . Those with speeds to V subscript 0 end subscript may experience sufficiently little deflection that they also enter the detector.

The charged particle will experience a force due to the electric field given by the relationship stack F with rightwards arrow on top equals q stack E with bar on top where q is the charge of the particle and stack E with rightwards arrow on top is the electric field. The moving particle will also experience a force due to the magnetic field. This force acts to oppose the force due to the electric field. The strength of the force due to the magnetic field is given by the relationship stack F with rightwards arrow on top equals q left parenthesis stack v with bar on top cross times stack B with rightwards arrow on top right parenthesis where q is the charge of the particle, v rho is the speed of the particle, and stack B with bar on top is the magnetic field strength. When the forces due to the two fields are equal and opposite, the net force on the particle will be zero, and the particle will pass through the filter with its path unaltered. The electric and magnetic field strengths can be adjusted to choose the specific velocity to be filtered. The effects of gravity can be neglected.
Which of the following is true about the velocity filter shown in figure?


A velocity filter uses the properties of electric and magnetic fields to select charged particles that are moving with a specific velocity. Charged particles with varying speeds are directed into the filter as shown in figure. The filter consists of an electric field E and a magnetic field B, each of constant magnitude, directed perpendicular to each other as shown. The particles that move straight through the filter with their direction unaltered by the fields have the specific filter speed, V subscript 0 end subscript . Those with speeds to V subscript 0 end subscript may experience sufficiently little deflection that they also enter the detector.

The charged particle will experience a force due to the electric field given by the relationship stack F with rightwards arrow on top equals q stack E with bar on top where q is the charge of the particle and stack E with rightwards arrow on top is the electric field. The moving particle will also experience a force due to the magnetic field. This force acts to oppose the force due to the electric field. The strength of the force due to the magnetic field is given by the relationship stack F with rightwards arrow on top equals q left parenthesis stack v with bar on top cross times stack B with rightwards arrow on top right parenthesis where q is the charge of the particle, v rho is the speed of the particle, and stack B with bar on top is the magnetic field strength. When the forces due to the two fields are equal and opposite, the net force on the particle will be zero, and the particle will pass through the filter with its path unaltered. The electric and magnetic field strengths can be adjusted to choose the specific velocity to be filtered. The effects of gravity can be neglected.
The electric and magnetic fields in the filter of figure are adjusted to detect particles with positive charge q of a certain speed, V subscript 0 end subscript . Which of the following expressions is equal to this speed ?

A velocity filter uses the properties of electric and magnetic fields to select charged particles that are moving with a specific velocity. Charged particles with varying speeds are directed into the filter as shown in figure. The filter consists of an electric field E and a magnetic field B, each of constant magnitude, directed perpendicular to each other as shown. The particles that move straight through the filter with their direction unaltered by the fields have the specific filter speed, V subscript 0 end subscript . Those with speeds to V subscript 0 end subscript may experience sufficiently little deflection that they also enter the detector.

The charged particle will experience a force due to the electric field given by the relationship stack F with rightwards arrow on top equals q stack E with bar on top where q is the charge of the particle and stack E with rightwards arrow on top is the electric field. The moving particle will also experience a force due to the magnetic field. This force acts to oppose the force due to the electric field. The strength of the force due to the magnetic field is given by the relationship stack F with rightwards arrow on top equals q left parenthesis stack v with bar on top cross times stack B with rightwards arrow on top right parenthesis where q is the charge of the particle, v rho is the speed of the particle, and stack B with bar on top is the magnetic field strength. When the forces due to the two fields are equal and opposite, the net force on the particle will be zero, and the particle will pass through the filter with its path unaltered. The electric and magnetic field strengths can be adjusted to choose the specific velocity to be filtered. The effects of gravity can be neglected.
The electric and magnetic fields in the filter of figure are adjusted to detect particles with positive charge q of a certain speed, V subscript 0 end subscript . Which of the following expressions is equal to this speed ?


Curves in the graph shown give, as functions of radial distance r, the magnitude B of the magnetic field inside and outside four long wires a, b, c and d, carrying currents that are uniformly distributed across the cross– sections of the wires. Overlapping portions of the plots are indicated by double labels

The current density in wire a is

Curves in the graph shown give, as functions of radial distance r, the magnitude B of the magnetic field inside and outside four long wires a, b, c and d, carrying currents that are uniformly distributed across the cross– sections of the wires. Overlapping portions of the plots are indicated by double labels

The current density in wire a is


Curves in the graph shown give, as functions of radial distance r, the magnitude B of the magnetic field inside and outside four long wires a, b, c and d, carrying currents that are uniformly distributed across the cross– sections of the wires. Overlapping portions of the plots are indicated by double labels

Which wire has the greatest magnitude of the magnetic field on the surface ?

Curves in the graph shown give, as functions of radial distance r, the magnitude B of the magnetic field inside and outside four long wires a, b, c and d, carrying currents that are uniformly distributed across the cross– sections of the wires. Overlapping portions of the plots are indicated by double labels

Which wire has the greatest magnitude of the magnetic field on the surface ?


Curves in the graph shown give, as functions of radial distance r, the magnitude B of the magnetic field inside and outside four long wires a, b, c and d, carrying currents that are uniformly distributed across the cross– sections of the wires. Overlapping portions of the plots are indicated by double labels

Which wire has the greatest radius?

Curves in the graph shown give, as functions of radial distance r, the magnitude B of the magnetic field inside and outside four long wires a, b, c and d, carrying currents that are uniformly distributed across the cross– sections of the wires. Overlapping portions of the plots are indicated by double labels

Which wire has the greatest radius?


The following experiment was performed by J.J.Thomson in order to measure the ratio of the charge e to the mass m of an electron. Figure shows a modern version of Thomson's apparatus. Electrons emitted from a hot filament and accelerated by a potential difference V. As the electrons pass through the deflector plates, they encounter both electric and magnetic fields. When the electrons leave the plates they enter a field–free region that extends to the fluorescent screen. The beam of electrons can be observed as a spot of light on the screen. The entire region in which the electrons travel is evacuated with a vacuum pump.

Thomson's procedure was to first set both the electric and magnetic fields to zero, note the position of the undeflected electron beam on the screen, then turn on only the electric field and measure the resulting deflection. The deflection of an electron in an electric field of magnitude E is given by d subscript 1 end subscript equals e E L to the power of 2 end exponent divided by 2 m v to the power of 2 end exponent, where L is the length of the deflecting plates, and v is the speed of the electron. The deflection d1
can also be calculated from the total deflection of the spot on the screen, d subscript 1 end subscript plus d subscript 2 end subscript, and the geometry of the apparatus. In the second part of the experiment Thomson adjusted the magnetic field so as to exactly cancel the force applied by the electric field, leaving the electron beam undeflected. This gives e subscript E end subscript equals e subscript v B end subscript. By combining this relation with the expression for d1 one can calculate the charge to mass ratio of the electron as a function of the known quantities. The result is fraction numerator e over denominator m end fraction equals fraction numerator 2 d subscript 1 end subscript E over denominator B to the power of 2 end exponent L to the power of 2 end exponent end fraction
Why was it important for Thomson to evacuate the air from the apparatus ?

The following experiment was performed by J.J.Thomson in order to measure the ratio of the charge e to the mass m of an electron. Figure shows a modern version of Thomson's apparatus. Electrons emitted from a hot filament and accelerated by a potential difference V. As the electrons pass through the deflector plates, they encounter both electric and magnetic fields. When the electrons leave the plates they enter a field–free region that extends to the fluorescent screen. The beam of electrons can be observed as a spot of light on the screen. The entire region in which the electrons travel is evacuated with a vacuum pump.

Thomson's procedure was to first set both the electric and magnetic fields to zero, note the position of the undeflected electron beam on the screen, then turn on only the electric field and measure the resulting deflection. The deflection of an electron in an electric field of magnitude E is given by d subscript 1 end subscript equals e E L to the power of 2 end exponent divided by 2 m v to the power of 2 end exponent, where L is the length of the deflecting plates, and v is the speed of the electron. The deflection d1
can also be calculated from the total deflection of the spot on the screen, d subscript 1 end subscript plus d subscript 2 end subscript, and the geometry of the apparatus. In the second part of the experiment Thomson adjusted the magnetic field so as to exactly cancel the force applied by the electric field, leaving the electron beam undeflected. This gives e subscript E end subscript equals e subscript v B end subscript. By combining this relation with the expression for d1 one can calculate the charge to mass ratio of the electron as a function of the known quantities. The result is fraction numerator e over denominator m end fraction equals fraction numerator 2 d subscript 1 end subscript E over denominator B to the power of 2 end exponent L to the power of 2 end exponent end fraction
Why was it important for Thomson to evacuate the air from the apparatus ?


In the given circuit having an ideal inductor of inductance L, resistor of resistance R and an ideal cell of emf epsilon commathe work done by the battery in one time constant after the switch is closed is

In the given circuit having an ideal inductor of inductance L, resistor of resistance R and an ideal cell of emf epsilon commathe work done by the battery in one time constant after the switch is closed is


A circuit containing capacitors C subscript 1 end subscript and C subscript 2 end subscript as shown in the figure are in steady state with key K subscript 1 end subscript closed. At the instant t = 0, if K subscript 1 end subscript is opened and K subscript 2 end subscript is closed then the maximum current in the circuit will be :

A circuit containing capacitors C subscript 1 end subscript and C subscript 2 end subscript as shown in the figure are in steady state with key K subscript 1 end subscript closed. At the instant t = 0, if K subscript 1 end subscript is opened and K subscript 2 end subscript is closed then the maximum current in the circuit will be :


A small circular wire loop of radius a is located at the centre of a much larger circular wire loop of radius b as shown aboveleft parenthesis b greater than greater than a right parenthesisBoth loops are coaxial and coplanar. The larger loop carries a time (t) varying current I equals l subscript 0 end subscriptcos omega t, where l subscript 0 end subscript and omega are constants. The magnetic field generated by the current in the large loop induces in the small loop an emf that is approximately equal to which of the following.

A small circular wire loop of radius a is located at the centre of a much larger circular wire loop of radius b as shown aboveleft parenthesis b greater than greater than a right parenthesisBoth loops are coaxial and coplanar. The larger loop carries a time (t) varying current I equals l subscript 0 end subscriptcos omega t, where l subscript 0 end subscript and omega are constants. The magnetic field generated by the current in the large loop induces in the small loop an emf that is approximately equal to which of the following.


A conducting circular ring and a conducting elliptical ring both are moving pure translationally in a uniform magnetic field of strength B as shown in figure on a horizontal conducting plane then potential difference between top most points of circle and ellipse is :

A conducting circular ring and a conducting elliptical ring both are moving pure translationally in a uniform magnetic field of strength B as shown in figure on a horizontal conducting plane then potential difference between top most points of circle and ellipse is :


A current flows through a rectangular conductor in the presence of uniform magnetic field B pointing out of the page as shown. Then the potential difference VP – VQ is equal to. (assume charge carriers in the conductor to be positively charged moving with a drift velocity of v)

A current flows through a rectangular conductor in the presence of uniform magnetic field B pointing out of the page as shown. Then the potential difference VP – VQ is equal to. (assume charge carriers in the conductor to be positively charged moving with a drift velocity of v)


The plane of a square loop of wire with edge length a = 0.2 m is perpendicular to the earth's magnetic field BE at a point where BE = 15 muT. The total resistance of the loop and the wires connecting it to the galvanometer is 0.5 capital omega. If the loop is suddenly collapsed (such that area of the loop becomes zero) by horizontal forces as shown, the total charge passing through the galvanometer is :

The plane of a square loop of wire with edge length a = 0.2 m is perpendicular to the earth's magnetic field BE at a point where BE = 15 muT. The total resistance of the loop and the wires connecting it to the galvanometer is 0.5 capital omega. If the loop is suddenly collapsed (such that area of the loop becomes zero) by horizontal forces as shown, the total charge passing through the galvanometer is :


Figure shows a conducting rod of negligible resistance that can slide on smooth U-shaped rail made of wire of resistance 1 capital omega /m. Position of the conducting rod at t = 0 is shown. A time t dependent magnetic field B = 2t Tesla is switched on at t = 0

At t = 0, when the magnetic field is switched on, the conducting rod is moved to the left at constant speed 5 cm/s by some external means. The rod moves remaining perpendicular to the rails. At t = 2s, induced emf has magnitude.

Figure shows a conducting rod of negligible resistance that can slide on smooth U-shaped rail made of wire of resistance 1 capital omega /m. Position of the conducting rod at t = 0 is shown. A time t dependent magnetic field B = 2t Tesla is switched on at t = 0

At t = 0, when the magnetic field is switched on, the conducting rod is moved to the left at constant speed 5 cm/s by some external means. The rod moves remaining perpendicular to the rails. At t = 2s, induced emf has magnitude.


A particle is projected up an inclined as shown in figure. For maximum range over the inclined plane, the value of theta should be

A particle is projected up an inclined as shown in figure. For maximum range over the inclined plane, the value of theta should be


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