

Mass m1 hits & sticks with m2 while sliding horizontally with velocity v along the common line of centres of the three equal masses open parentheses m subscript 1 end subscript equals m subscript 2 end subscript equals m subscript 3 end subscript equals m close parentheses. Initially masses m2 and m3 are stationary and the spring is unstreched. Find

  1. the velocities of m subscript 1 end subscript , m subscript 2 end subscript and m subscript 3 end subscript immediately after impact.    
  2. the maximum kinetic energy of m subscript 3 end subscript .    
  3. the minimum kinetic energy of m subscript 2 end subscript .    
  4. the maximum compression of the spring.    

The correct answer is: the velocities of m subscript 1 end subscript , m subscript 2 end subscript and m subscript 3 end subscript immediately after impact.

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Select the correct alternative(s).

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