

Protons and singly ionized atoms of U to the power of 235 end exponent & U to the power of 238 end exponent are passed in turn (which means one after the other and not at the same time) through a velocity selector and then enter a uniform magnetic field. The protons describe semicircles of radius 10 mm. The separation between the ions of U to the power of 235 end exponent and U to the power of 238 end exponent after describing semicircle is given by

  1. 60 mm    
  2. 30 mm    
  3. 2350 mm    
  4. 2380 mm    

The correct answer is: 60 mm

    table row cell R equals fraction numerator m v over denominator 2 B end fraction rightwards double arrow R subscript r end subscript equals fraction numerator m subscript p end subscript v over denominator e b end fraction rightwards double arrow R subscript 235 subscript u end subscript end subscript equals fraction numerator m subscript 2 t s subscript v end subscript end subscript times v over denominator e B end fraction end cell row cell capital delta x equals 2 cross times fraction numerator 3 M subscript r end subscript v over denominator 2 B end fraction equals 6 cross times 10 m m equals 60 m m. end cell end table

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