

Three plane mirrors are placed such that the angle between the first and second or second and third is the same ' theta '. A light striking the first mirror, after reflection at the three mirrors emerges qoposite to the initial direction. Find the value of ' theta '.

  1. 60°    
  2. 150°    
  3. 120°    
  4. 45°    

The correct answer is: 120°

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Calculate the deviation suffered by incident ray in situation as shown in figure after three successive reflections.


Two mirrors, labeled IM for left mirror and RM for right mirror in the adjacent figure, are parallel to each other and 3.0m apart. A person standing 1.0m from the right mirror (RM) looks into this mirror and sees a series of images. How far from the person is the second closest image seen in the right mirror (RM)?

Two mirrors, labeled IM for left mirror and RM for right mirror in the adjacent figure, are parallel to each other and 3.0m apart. A person standing 1.0m from the right mirror (RM) looks into this mirror and sees a series of images. How far from the person is the second closest image seen in the right mirror (RM)?


The capacitors in figure are initially uncharged and are connected as in the diagram with switch S open. The applied potential difference is V subscript a b end subscript equals 360 text end text V.

How much charge flowed through the switch when it was closed

The capacitors in figure are initially uncharged and are connected as in the diagram with switch S open. The applied potential difference is V subscript a b end subscript equals 360 text end text V.

How much charge flowed through the switch when it was closed


The capacitors in figure are initially uncharged and are connected as in the diagram with switch S open. The applied potential difference is V subscript a b end subscript equals 360 text end text V.

What is the potential difference across each capacitor after switch S is closed

The capacitors in figure are initially uncharged and are connected as in the diagram with switch S open. The applied potential difference is V subscript a b end subscript equals 360 text end text V.

What is the potential difference across each capacitor after switch S is closed


The capacitors in figure are initially uncharged and are connected as in the diagram with switch S open. The applied potential difference is V subscript a b end subscript equals 360 text end text V.

What is the potential difference V subscript c d end subscript ?

The capacitors in figure are initially uncharged and are connected as in the diagram with switch S open. The applied potential difference is V subscript a b end subscript equals 360 text end text V.

What is the potential difference V subscript c d end subscript ?


i) In an isolated system (neither connected to the terminal of a battery nor to any other source of charge e.g. each) net charge remains constant.
ii) From two terminal of a battery or from two plates of a capacitor equal and opposite charges enter or leave.
Question: Two capacitors of capacity 6 mu F and 3 mu F are charged to 100V and 50 Separately and connected as shown. Now all the three switches S subscript 1 end subscript S subscript 2 end subscript and S subscript 3 end subscript are closed.

Suppose q subscript 1 end subscript comma q subscript 2 end subscript and q subscript 3 end subscript be the magnitudes of charges flown from switches S subscript 1 end subscript comma text end text S subscript 2 end subscript and S subscript 3 end subscript after they are closed. Then :

i) In an isolated system (neither connected to the terminal of a battery nor to any other source of charge e.g. each) net charge remains constant.
ii) From two terminal of a battery or from two plates of a capacitor equal and opposite charges enter or leave.
Question: Two capacitors of capacity 6 mu F and 3 mu F are charged to 100V and 50 Separately and connected as shown. Now all the three switches S subscript 1 end subscript S subscript 2 end subscript and S subscript 3 end subscript are closed.

Suppose q subscript 1 end subscript comma q subscript 2 end subscript and q subscript 3 end subscript be the magnitudes of charges flown from switches S subscript 1 end subscript comma text end text S subscript 2 end subscript and S subscript 3 end subscript after they are closed. Then :


i) In an isolated system (neither connected to the terminal of a battery nor to any other source of charge e.g. each) net charge remains constant.
ii) From two terminal of a battery or from two plates of a capacitor equal and opposite charges enter or leave.
Question: Two capacitors of capacity 6 mu F and 3 mu F are charged to 100V and 50 Separately and connected as shown. Now all the three switches S subscript 1 end subscript S subscript 2 end subscript and S subscript 3 end subscript are closed.

Charges on both the capacitors in steady state will be : (on 6 mu F first ):

i) In an isolated system (neither connected to the terminal of a battery nor to any other source of charge e.g. each) net charge remains constant.
ii) From two terminal of a battery or from two plates of a capacitor equal and opposite charges enter or leave.
Question: Two capacitors of capacity 6 mu F and 3 mu F are charged to 100V and 50 Separately and connected as shown. Now all the three switches S subscript 1 end subscript S subscript 2 end subscript and S subscript 3 end subscript are closed.

Charges on both the capacitors in steady state will be : (on 6 mu F first ):


i) In an isolated system (neither connected to the terminal of a battery nor to any other source of charge e.g. each) net charge remains constant.
ii) From two terminal of a battery or from two plates of a capacitor equal and opposite charges enter or leave.
Question: Two capacitors of capacity 6 mu F and 3 mu F are charged to 100V and 50 Separately and connected as shown. Now all the three switches S subscript 1 end subscript S subscript 2 end subscript and S subscript 3 end subscript are closed.

Which plate (s) form an isolated system :

i) In an isolated system (neither connected to the terminal of a battery nor to any other source of charge e.g. each) net charge remains constant.
ii) From two terminal of a battery or from two plates of a capacitor equal and opposite charges enter or leave.
Question: Two capacitors of capacity 6 mu F and 3 mu F are charged to 100V and 50 Separately and connected as shown. Now all the three switches S subscript 1 end subscript S subscript 2 end subscript and S subscript 3 end subscript are closed.

Which plate (s) form an isolated system :


Two capacitors of 2mF and 3mF are charged to 150 volt and 120 volt respectively. The plates of capacitor are connected as shown in the figure. A discharged capacitor of capacity 1.5mF falls to the free ends of the wire. Then

Two capacitors of 2mF and 3mF are charged to 150 volt and 120 volt respectively. The plates of capacitor are connected as shown in the figure. A discharged capacitor of capacity 1.5mF falls to the free ends of the wire. Then


Two capacitors of equal capacitance open parentheses C subscript 1 end subscript equals C subscript 2 end subscript close parentheses are shown in the figure. Initially, while the switch S is open, one of the capacitors is uncharged and the other carries charge Q subscript 0 end subscript. The energy stored in the charged capacitor is U subscript 0 end subscript. Sometimes after the switch is closed, the capacitors C subscript 1 end subscript and C subscript 2 end subscript carry charges Q subscript 1 end subscript and Q subscript 2 end subscript, respectively; the voltages across the capacitors are V subscript 1 end subscript and V subscript 2 end subscript semicolon and the energies stored in the capacitors are U subscript 1 end subscript and U subscript 2 end subscript. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT ? The figure shows a diagonal symmetric arrangement of capacitors and a battery

Two capacitors of equal capacitance open parentheses C subscript 1 end subscript equals C subscript 2 end subscript close parentheses are shown in the figure. Initially, while the switch S is open, one of the capacitors is uncharged and the other carries charge Q subscript 0 end subscript. The energy stored in the charged capacitor is U subscript 0 end subscript. Sometimes after the switch is closed, the capacitors C subscript 1 end subscript and C subscript 2 end subscript carry charges Q subscript 1 end subscript and Q subscript 2 end subscript, respectively; the voltages across the capacitors are V subscript 1 end subscript and V subscript 2 end subscript semicolon and the energies stored in the capacitors are U subscript 1 end subscript and U subscript 2 end subscript. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT ? The figure shows a diagonal symmetric arrangement of capacitors and a battery


Four capacitors and a battery are connected as shown. The potential drop across the 7 m F capacitor is 6 V. Then the :

Four capacitors and a battery are connected as shown. The potential drop across the 7 m F capacitor is 6 V. Then the :


In the circuit shown, each capacitor has a capacitance C. The emf of the cell is E. If the switch S is closed

In the circuit shown, each capacitor has a capacitance C. The emf of the cell is E. If the switch S is closed


Find the equivalent capacitance across A & B

Find the equivalent capacitance across A & B


A capacitor is made of a flat plate of area A and a second plate having a stair-like structure as shown in figure. The width of each stair is a and the height is b. Find the capacitance of the assembly.

A capacitor is made of a flat plate of area A and a second plate having a stair-like structure as shown in figure. The width of each stair is a and the height is b. Find the capacitance of the assembly.


The distance between plates of a parallel plate capacitor is 5 d. Let the positively charged plate is at x=0 and negatively charged plate is at x=5 d. Two slabs one of conductor and other of a dielectric of equal thickness d are inserted between the plates as shown in figure. Potential versus distance graph will look like :

The distance between plates of a parallel plate capacitor is 5 d. Let the positively charged plate is at x=0 and negatively charged plate is at x=5 d. Two slabs one of conductor and other of a dielectric of equal thickness d are inserted between the plates as shown in figure. Potential versus distance graph will look like :


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