

Two identical capacitors A and B are charged to the same potential V and are connected in two circuits at t = 0, as shown in figure. The charge on the capacitors at time t = CR are respectively

  1. VC, VC    
  2. fraction numerator V C over denominator e end fraction comma   V C    
  3. VC, fraction numerator V C over denominator e end fraction    
  4. fraction numerator V C over denominator e end fraction comma   fraction numerator V C over denominator e end fraction    

The correct answer is: fraction numerator V C over denominator e end fraction comma   V C

    Time t = CR is known as time constant. It is time in which charge on the capacitor decreases to fraction numerator 1 over denominator e end fraction times of it’s initial charge (steady state charge).
    In figure (i) PN junction diode is in forward bias, so current will flow the circuit i.e., charge on the capacitor decrease and in time t it becomes Q equals fraction numerator 1 over denominator e end fraction left parenthesis Q subscript o end subscript right parenthesis; where Q subscript o end subscript equals C V rightwards double arrow Q equals fraction numerator C V over denominator e end fraction
    In figure (ii) P-N junction diode is in reverse bias, so no current will flow through the circuit hence change on capacitor will not decay and it remains same i.e. CV after time t.

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