

Two speakers S subscript 1 end subscript & S subscript 2 end subscript driven by the same amplifiers are placed at y=1m and y=-1m The speakers vibrate in phase at 600 Hz A man stands at a point on x-axis at a very large distance form the origin and starts moving parallel to y-axis The speed of sound in air is 330 m/s The angle θ at which he will hear maximum intensity for first time?

  1. 2 to the power of ring operator end exponent    
  2. 10 to the power of ring operator end exponent    
  3. 16 to the power of ring operator end exponent    
  4. 25 to the power of ring operator end exponent    

The correct answer is: 16 to the power of ring operator end exponent

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Two speakers S subscript 1 end subscript & S subscript 2 end subscript driven by the same amplifiers are placed at y=1m and y=-1m The speakers vibrate in phase at 600 Hz A man stands at a point on x-axis at a very large distance form the origin and starts moving parallel to y-axis The speed of sound in air is 330 m/s The angle θ at which intensity of sound drop to a minimum for the first time

Two speakers S subscript 1 end subscript & S subscript 2 end subscript driven by the same amplifiers are placed at y=1m and y=-1m The speakers vibrate in phase at 600 Hz A man stands at a point on x-axis at a very large distance form the origin and starts moving parallel to y-axis The speed of sound in air is 330 m/s The angle θ at which intensity of sound drop to a minimum for the first time


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A train A crosses a station with a speed of 40 m/s and whistles a short pulse of natural frequency n subscript 0 end subscript equals 596 H z Another train B is approaching towards the same station with the same speed along a parallel track Two tracks are d = 99m apart When train A whistles, train B is 152m away from the station as shown in fig If velocity of sound in air v equals 330 m divided by s, calculate frequency of the pulse heard by driver of train B

A train A crosses a station with a speed of 40 m/s and whistles a short pulse of natural frequency n subscript 0 end subscript equals 596 H z Another train B is approaching towards the same station with the same speed along a parallel track Two tracks are d = 99m apart When train A whistles, train B is 152m away from the station as shown in fig If velocity of sound in air v equals 330 m divided by s, calculate frequency of the pulse heard by driver of train B


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