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Learn How To Evaluate Algebraic Expression

Grade 7
Sep 17, 2022

Key Concepts

  • Write expression to represent situations
  • Evaluate expressions
  • Write and evaluate expressions

4.1 Write and evaluate algebraic expressions 

What is meant by algebraic expressions?  

An algebraic expression (or) a variable expression is a combination of terms by the operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc. 

Thus, we can say that 5x + 7 is an example of an algebraic expression

Evaluate 5x + 8 when x=3. 

4.1.1 Write expression to represent situations 

Kelvin started with $217 in her bank account. He deposits $25.50 each week and never withdraws any money. What expression can Kelvin use to determine his account balance after w weeks? 



Draw a bar diagram to represent the amount of money in his account balance after w weeks. 

Use the bar diagram to write an expression to represent the amount of money in the balance after w days. 

Kelvin can use the expression $ 217 + $ 25.50w to determine the amount of money in her account balance after w weeks. 

4.1.2 Evaluate expressions 

The cost to rent a scooter is $15.50 per hour and the cost to rent a watercraft is $22.80 per hour. 

Use the expression $15.5s+22.8w to determine how much it would cost to rent a scooter for 3½


hours and a watercraft for 1¾ hours.  


Evaluate expression for the given values. 

$ 15.5. s+22.8w 

15.5(3 1/2 ) +22.8 (1 3/4  )  

54.25 + 39.9 


It cost $94.15 to rent a scooter for (3½) hours and Watercraft for (1¾) hours. 

4.1.3 Write and evaluate expressions 


Ria earns $8.74 per hour plus a gas allowance of $3.50 per day at her job. How much does Ria job pay in a day when she works 5½ hours? Write an expression and evaluate for 5½ hours. 


Write an expression to represent how much Ria earns. Evaluate the expression for the given values. 

5 ½(h)+ 3.50 

=  5½ (8.74) +3.50 

=11/2(8.74) +3.50 

=48.07 +3.50 


Ria’s job pays $51.57 in a day. 


Mark bought a new sweater for $27 plus sales tax t. Tax was $1.76, what is the total cost of the sweater? 


Write an expression to represent the total cost of the sweater. 

$ 27.00+ t 

$ 27.00 + $ 1.76 

$ 28.76 

The total cost of the sweater was $ 28.76.


  1. What is the value of  when x= 0.5?
  2. What is the value of 7.4 n – 3.6 when n= 4 and p= 4?
  3. Evaluate expression.
    4d – 5
    d = 1.3        
  4. Evaluate the expression.
    i. 0.4f- 3.4g
    ii. f= 10; g= 2
  5. Evaluate 2t–5 when t=6.
  6. Pizza Place bases its pizza prices on the size of the pizza and the number of toppings. The price of a medium pizza, in dollars, is 9+2t, where ‘t’ is the number of toppings. What is the price of a medium pizza with 3 toppings?
  7. James is an electrician. He charges $45 per hour and spends $20 a day on gasoline.
    Write an algebraic expression to represent his earnings for one day.
  8. A movie streaming service charges a one-time membership fee of $4 plus $13 per month. Write an expression to represent the cost of the streaming service for m months.
  9. The rent cost for a bike is $15 plus $2 for each hour the bike is used. How much will it cost if you rent the bike for a certain number of hours? Write the expression that would give you the cost.
  10. Evaluate the given expression for m = 13.
    m2 + m – 54

Concept Map

What have we learned:

  • Understand algebraic expressions.
  • Write expressions to represent situations.
  • Understand how to evaluate expressions.
  • Write and evaluate expressions


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