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Make Halves and Fourths of Rectangles and Circles

Grade 1
Jul 25, 2023


In this session, you will learn to make halves and fourths of rectangles and circles. In the previous session, we learned about making equal shares.


Draw 4 equal shares in the shape and color 2 shares, then write numbers to tell how many shares you colored.

4 equal shares
4 equal shares


This circle shared 4 equal parts and two parts are coloured.

4 equal parts
4 equal parts

Is there any other method to name the shared parts?

So, in this session, we will learn to make halves and fourths of rectangles and circles. 

We can divide whole into shares.

Divide whole into shares
Divide whole into shares

This circle is divided into two shares or parts.

Each share is called a half. Two halves make one whole.

Two halves
Two halves

This circle is divided into four parts.

Each part is called one-fourth or a quarter. Four quarters make one whole.

Make Halves and Fourths of Rectangles and Circles

Example 1:

Circle the correct shapes for given problems.

Four parts or quarters
Four parts or quarters
  1. One half yellow.
One half yellow
One half yellow


Circle one-half yellow in the given shapes.

The first shape shared two parts or halves. One half is colored yellow.

The third shape shared four parts or quarters. Two quarters are colored in yellow.

Four parts or quarters
Four parts or quarters

Two quarters is equal to one half.

one half yellow
one half yellow

Example: 2

Color the shapes for the given problems:-

  1. One quarter is red.
Color the shapes
Color the shapes
  • One-fourth is green.
Color the shapes
Color the shapes


Color one-quarter red.

Color one quarter red
Color one-quarter red

This shape is divided into four parts. Each part is called a quarter. One-quarter part is colored red.

Color one-fourth in green.

Color one-fourth in green
Color one-fourth in green

This shape is divided into four parts. Each part is

called one-fourth or a quarter. One-fourth part is colored green.

Example 3:

  1. What share of the rectangle is blue.
share of the rectangle is blue
share of the rectangle is blue

2. What share of the circle is orange.  

Share of the circle is orange
Share of the circle is orange


Share of the rectangle is Blue
Share of the rectangle is Blue

This rectangle is divided equally into four parts. Each part is called a quarter. One quarter is colored blue.

Share of the  Circle in Orange
Share of the Circle in Orange

This circle is divided equally into two parts.

Each part is called one-half. One half or share is colored orange.


Q1. What share of the rectangle is yellow?

share of the rectangle is yellow
share of the rectangle is yellow

Q2. What share of the circle is red?

 share of the circle is red
Share of the circle is red

Q3. Color the shape for each problem. One-half green.

Colour the shape
Color the shape

Q4. One-quarter yellow.

One quarter yellow
One quarter yellow

Q5. Circle the correct shapes for each problem. One half green

One half green
One half green

Q6. One-fourth orange.

One-fourth orange
One-fourth orange

Q7. Alex has one-half of a chocolate bar. Jenny has one-quarter of a different chocolate bar. Jenny’s piece is bigger. How could Jenny’s piece be bigger?

Q8. Sam says the rectangle is divided into halves. Is he correct? Circle yes or no.

Rectangle is divided into halves
Rectangle is divided into halves

Q9. Mary says the circle is divided into quarters. Lucky says it is divided into fourths. Who is correct? Explain.

Circle is divided into quarters
Circle is divided into quarters

Q10. Danny draws a rectangle divided into fourths. She colors one-half of the rectangle blue and one-quarter of the rectangle green. Draw a rectangle to match the one Danny drew.

Concept Map:

Concept Map
Concept Map

What We Have Learned

  • Divide shapes into 2 and 4 equal shares and use words to describe those shares.
Make halves and fourths of rectangles and circles


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