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Make Picture Graphs: Representation of Data

Grade 3
Jul 28, 2023


Picture graph:

A picture graph or pictograph is a graph that displays information using pictures, images, or symbols.

A picture graph typically has two axes, a scale, pictures to display vertically and horizontally, and a title.

Steps to Make a Picture Graph:

Step 1: Consider the title from the given data or tally chart.

Step 2: Consider a scale that is key.

Step 3: Consider two axes, vertically and horizontally.


Example of Picture Graph:

Record the data in the form of a tally chart, and select a symbol to represent the pictures.

Now draw a picture graph by using symbols and a tally chart.

picture graph
picture graph

Example 1:

Amaya found a fruit basket in her house, counted the fruits, and made a tally chart. Draw the picture graph.

Fruit Basket
Fruit Basket

Let us take a symbol for the key to drawing the picture graph.

Draw the picture graph
Draw the picture graph

Let us give a title for the picture graph, i.e., the fruits basket graph.

Set up the graph and decide how many symbols should be placed beside each kind of fruit.

Each kind of fruit
Each kind of fruit

Example 2:

See the table of data and find the picture graph.

The table of data
The table of data


First, we select a symbol,



We get the picture graph as shown below.

The picture graph
The picture graph


  1. Use the information in the below tally chart and draw a picture graph.
Tally chart
Tally chart

2. Kattie and her friends bought some donuts, cupcakes, and bread. Draw tally marks to show the number of items in each kind.

The number of items
The number of items

3. Ashley and her friends in school bought some toys. Draw a picture graph to show the number of items in each kind.

Number Of Items
Number Of Items

4. See the tally chart and answer what can be used as a symbol for the picture graph.

The tally chart
The tally chart

5. See the tally chart and draw a picture graph.

Tally Marks
Tally Marks

Q(6-8) See the tally chart and answer the questions.

Favorite Pets
Favorite Pets

6. Draw a picture graph.

7. What can be used as a symbol for the picture graph?

8. If is used as a symbol and each is equal to 2 animals, then how many symbols are placed across the pet animal ‘cat’?

9. Observe the picture graph and mention the symbol used in the picture graph.

Our Baseball Cards
Our Baseball Cards

10. See the tally chart and draw the picture graph.

Draw the picture graph
Draw the picture graph

Concept Map:

Concept Map
Concept Map

What Have We Learned:

  • Use a tally chart to make picture graphs
  •  Make picture graphs
  •  Problems with making picture graphs
Make Picture Graphs


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