

If every pair from among the equations x2 + px + qr = 0, x2 + qx + rp = 0 and x2 + rx + pq = 0 have a common root, then open parentheses fraction numerator s u m blank o f blank r o o t s over denominator p r o d u c t blank o f blank r o o t s end fraction close parentheses is

  1. fraction numerator sum p over denominator p q r end fraction    
  2. fraction numerator i over denominator p q r end fraction    
  3. (p + q + r)2    
  4. none of these.    

The correct answer is: fraction numerator sum p over denominator p q r end fraction

    Let alpha, beta be the roots of x2 + px + qr = 0…(1)
    beta, gamma be the roots of x2 + qx + rp = 0…(2)
    and gamma, alpha be the roots of x2 + rx + pq = 0…(3)
    Since beta is a common root of (1), (2)
    therefore beta to the power of 2 end exponent plus p beta plus q r equals 0 a n d beta to the power of 2 end exponent plus q beta plus r p equals 0 therefore open parentheses p minus q close parentheses beta plus open parentheses q minus p close parentheses r equals 0 rightwards double arrow beta minus r equals 0 rightwards double arrow beta equals r
    A g a i n blank alpha beta equals q r open square brackets F r o m open parentheses 1 close parentheses close square brackets rightwards double arrow alpha r equals q r rightwards double arrow alpha equals q
    Similarly from (2) and (3), we get gamma = p and from (3) and (1), beta = r
    therefore alpha plus beta plus gamma equals q plus r plus p equals p plus q plus r A g a i n open parentheses alpha beta close parentheses open parentheses beta gamma close parentheses open parentheses gamma alpha close parentheses equals open parentheses q r close parentheses open parentheses r p close parentheses open parentheses p q close parentheses rightwards double arrow open parentheses alpha beta gamma close parentheses to the power of 2 end exponent equals open parentheses p q r close parentheses to the power of 2 end exponent rightwards double arrow alpha beta gamma equals p q r therefore fraction numerator s u m o f t h e r o o t s over denominator p r o d u c t o f r o o t s end fraction equals fraction numerator alpha beta plus beta gamma plus gamma alpha over denominator alpha beta gamma end fraction equals fraction numerator p plus q plus r over denominator p q r end fraction equals fraction numerator sum p over denominator p q r end fraction

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    Free radical halogenation takes place in the presence of light or at high temperature (above 773K). Formation of halogen free radical intermediate takes place in first step called chain initiation step.
    C l subscript 2 end subscript stack ⟶ with h v on top 2 C l to the power of ring operator end exponent
    This reaction is mainly given by those compounds which have atleast one hydrogen atom present at s p to the power of 3 end exponent -hybrid carbon. Reactivity of s p to the power of 3 end exponent -hybrid carbon depends on the reactivity of reaction intermediate. The relative rate of formation of alkyl radicals by a chlorine radical is :
    text Tertiary  end text stack greater than with left parenthesis 5 right parenthesis below stack text  Secondary  end text with left parenthesis 3.8 right parenthesis below greater than stack text  Primary  end text with left parenthesis 1 right parenthesis below
    Percentage yield of the product =fraction numerator R e l a t i v e blank a m o u n t blank cross times 100 over denominator S u m blank o f blank r e l a t i v e blank a m o u n t s end fraction
    Relative amount = Number of hydrogen atoms on the respective carbon x relative reactivity.
    NBS (N-bromo succinimide) is used for bromination at allylic and benzylic carbon, whereas Br2/hv gives bromination at . benzylic, allylic and alkyl carbon.
    Arrange decreasing order of reactivity of given compounds with NBS: (N-bromo succinimide)
    I) C subscript 6 end subscript H subscript 5 end subscript minus C H subscript 3 end subscript
    II) C subscript 6 end subscript H subscript 5 end subscript minus C H subscript 2 end subscript minus C H subscript 2 end subscript minus C H subscript 3 end subscript
    III) C subscript 6 end subscript H subscript 5 end subscript minus C H subscript 2 end subscript minus C H equals C H subscript 2 end subscript
    Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

    Free radical halogenation takes place in the presence of light or at high temperature (above 773K). Formation of halogen free radical intermediate takes place in first step called chain initiation step.
    C l subscript 2 end subscript stack ⟶ with h v on top 2 C l to the power of ring operator end exponent
    This reaction is mainly given by those compounds which have atleast one hydrogen atom present at s p to the power of 3 end exponent -hybrid carbon. Reactivity of s p to the power of 3 end exponent -hybrid carbon depends on the reactivity of reaction intermediate. The relative rate of formation of alkyl radicals by a chlorine radical is :
    text Tertiary  end text stack greater than with left parenthesis 5 right parenthesis below stack text  Secondary  end text with left parenthesis 3.8 right parenthesis below greater than stack text  Primary  end text with left parenthesis 1 right parenthesis below
    Percentage yield of the product =fraction numerator R e l a t i v e blank a m o u n t blank cross times 100 over denominator S u m blank o f blank r e l a t i v e blank a m o u n t s end fraction
    Relative amount = Number of hydrogen atoms on the respective carbon x relative reactivity.
    NBS (N-bromo succinimide) is used for bromination at allylic and benzylic carbon, whereas Br2/hv gives bromination at . benzylic, allylic and alkyl carbon.
    Arrange decreasing order of reactivity of given compounds with NBS: (N-bromo succinimide)
    I) C subscript 6 end subscript H subscript 5 end subscript minus C H subscript 3 end subscript
    II) C subscript 6 end subscript H subscript 5 end subscript minus C H subscript 2 end subscript minus C H subscript 2 end subscript minus C H subscript 3 end subscript
    III) C subscript 6 end subscript H subscript 5 end subscript minus C H subscript 2 end subscript minus C H equals C H subscript 2 end subscript
    Select the correct answer from the codes given below:


    Free radical halogenation takes place in the presence of light or at high temperature (above 773K). Formation of halogen free radical intermediate takes place in first step called chain initiation step.
    C l subscript 2 end subscript stack ⟶ with h v on top 2 C l to the power of ring operator end exponent
    This reaction is mainly given by those compounds which have atleast one hydrogen atom present at s p to the power of 3 end exponent -hybrid carbon. Reactivity of s p to the power of 3 end exponent -hybrid carbon depends on the reactivity of reaction intermediate. The relative rate of formation of alkyl radicals by a chlorine radical is :
    text Tertiary  end text stack greater than with left parenthesis 5 right parenthesis below stack text  Secondary  end text with left parenthesis 3.8 right parenthesis below greater than stack text  Primary  end text with left parenthesis 1 right parenthesis below
    Percentage yield of the product =fraction numerator R e l a t i v e blank a m o u n t blank cross times 100 over denominator S u m blank o f blank r e l a t i v e blank a m o u n t s end fraction
    Relative amount = Number of hydrogen atoms on the respective carbon x relative reactivity.
    NBS (N-bromo succinimide) is used for bromination at allylic and benzylic carbon, whereas Br2/hv gives bromination at . benzylic, allylic and alkyl carbon.
    Chlorination of butane takes place as:

    Percentage yield of 2-chlorobutane will be:

    Free radical halogenation takes place in the presence of light or at high temperature (above 773K). Formation of halogen free radical intermediate takes place in first step called chain initiation step.
    C l subscript 2 end subscript stack ⟶ with h v on top 2 C l to the power of ring operator end exponent
    This reaction is mainly given by those compounds which have atleast one hydrogen atom present at s p to the power of 3 end exponent -hybrid carbon. Reactivity of s p to the power of 3 end exponent -hybrid carbon depends on the reactivity of reaction intermediate. The relative rate of formation of alkyl radicals by a chlorine radical is :
    text Tertiary  end text stack greater than with left parenthesis 5 right parenthesis below stack text  Secondary  end text with left parenthesis 3.8 right parenthesis below greater than stack text  Primary  end text with left parenthesis 1 right parenthesis below
    Percentage yield of the product =fraction numerator R e l a t i v e blank a m o u n t blank cross times 100 over denominator S u m blank o f blank r e l a t i v e blank a m o u n t s end fraction
    Relative amount = Number of hydrogen atoms on the respective carbon x relative reactivity.
    NBS (N-bromo succinimide) is used for bromination at allylic and benzylic carbon, whereas Br2/hv gives bromination at . benzylic, allylic and alkyl carbon.
    Chlorination of butane takes place as:

    Percentage yield of 2-chlorobutane will be:


    SN1 reaction is a first order nucleophilic substitution, e.g.,

    The concentration of nucleophile does not appear in the rate law expression:
    Reaction rate = k[ RX]
    In a multistep organic reaction, the rate-limiting step is the slowest step. Rate determining step is represented by the following energy level diagram:

    A reaction energy level diagram for an S subscript N to the power of 1 end exponent end subscript reaction. The rate limiting step is spontaneous dissociation of an alkyl halide to give a carbocation intermediate

    S subscript N to the power of 1 end exponent end subscript reaction is:

    SN1 reaction is a first order nucleophilic substitution, e.g.,

    The concentration of nucleophile does not appear in the rate law expression:
    Reaction rate = k[ RX]
    In a multistep organic reaction, the rate-limiting step is the slowest step. Rate determining step is represented by the following energy level diagram:

    A reaction energy level diagram for an S subscript N to the power of 1 end exponent end subscript reaction. The rate limiting step is spontaneous dissociation of an alkyl halide to give a carbocation intermediate

    S subscript N to the power of 1 end exponent end subscript reaction is:


    SN1 reaction is a first order nucleophilic substitution, e.g.,

    The concentration of nucleophile does not appear in the rate law expression:
    Reaction rate = k[ RX]
    In a multistep organic reaction, the rate-limiting step is the slowest step. Rate determining step is represented by the following energy level diagram:

    A reaction energy level diagram for an S subscript N to the power of 1 end exponent end subscript reaction. The rate limiting step is spontaneous dissociation of an alkyl halide to give a carbocation intermediate

    In the graph 3 for S subscript N to the power of 1 end exponent end subscript reaction, the rate limiting step is the spontaneous dissociation of alkyl halide and is given by:

    SN1 reaction is a first order nucleophilic substitution, e.g.,

    The concentration of nucleophile does not appear in the rate law expression:
    Reaction rate = k[ RX]
    In a multistep organic reaction, the rate-limiting step is the slowest step. Rate determining step is represented by the following energy level diagram:

    A reaction energy level diagram for an S subscript N to the power of 1 end exponent end subscript reaction. The rate limiting step is spontaneous dissociation of an alkyl halide to give a carbocation intermediate

    In the graph 3 for S subscript N to the power of 1 end exponent end subscript reaction, the rate limiting step is the spontaneous dissociation of alkyl halide and is given by:


    SN1 reaction is a first order nucleophilic substitution, e.g.,

    The concentration of nucleophile does not appear in the rate law expression:
    Reaction rate = k[ RX]
    In a multistep organic reaction, the rate-limiting step is the slowest step. Rate determining step is represented by the following energy level diagram:

    A reaction energy level diagram for an S subscript N to the power of 1 end exponent end subscript reaction. The rate limiting step is spontaneous dissociation of an alkyl halide to give a carbocation intermediate

    Select the correct statement(s) about the graph 2:

    SN1 reaction is a first order nucleophilic substitution, e.g.,

    The concentration of nucleophile does not appear in the rate law expression:
    Reaction rate = k[ RX]
    In a multistep organic reaction, the rate-limiting step is the slowest step. Rate determining step is represented by the following energy level diagram:

    A reaction energy level diagram for an S subscript N to the power of 1 end exponent end subscript reaction. The rate limiting step is spontaneous dissociation of an alkyl halide to give a carbocation intermediate

    Select the correct statement(s) about the graph 2:


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