

A metallic block carrying current I is subjected to a uniform magnetic induction Error converting from MathML to accessible text. as shown in the figure. The moving charges experience a force Error converting from MathML to accessible text. given by ........... which results in the lowering of the potential of the face ........ Assume the speed of the carriers to be v

  1. e V B stack k with hat on top, ABCD    
  2. e V B stack k with hat on top, EFGH    
  3. negative e V B stack k with hat on top, ABCD    
  4. negative e V B stack k with hat on top, EFGH    

The correct answer is: e V B stack k with hat on top, ABCD

    As the block is of metal, the charge carriers are electrons, so for current along positive x-axis, the electrons are moving along negative x-axis, i.e. Error converting from MathML to accessible text.
    and as the magnetic field is along the y-axis, i.e. Error converting from MathML to accessible text.
    so Error converting from MathML to accessible text. for this case yield Error converting from MathML to accessible text.
    i.e., Error converting from MathML to accessible text. [As Error converting from MathML to accessible text.]

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