

obtained. by chlorination of n--butane will be:

  1. meso form    
  2. racemic mixture    
  3. d-form    
  4. l-form    

The correct answer is: racemic mixture

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The relative rate of formation of alkyl radicals by a chlorine radical is:

Relative amount =fraction numerator R e l a t i v e blank a m o u n t cross times 100 over denominator S u m blank o f blank r e l a t i v e blank a m o u n t s end fraction
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Free radical halogenation takes place in tile presence of light or at high temperature (above 500degreeC). Formation of halogen free radical intermediate takes place in first step called chain initiation •.
C l subscript 2 end subscript stack ⟶ with h v on top 2 C l to the power of asterisk times end exponent This reaction is mainly given by those compounds which have at least one hydrogen atom present at sp3 -hybrid carbon. Reactivity of s p to the power of 3 end exponent -hybrid carbon depends on' the reactivity of reaction intermediate.
The relative rate of formation of alkyl radicals by a chlorine radical is:

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Nucleophilic substitution reaction" is given by those compounds which have nucleophilic. groups as leaving groups. The weaker the basicity of a group of the substrate, the better is its leaving ability. In nucleophilic substitution reactions, the basicity of leaving group should be less than the incoming nucleophilic group. Nucleophilic substitution reaction at sp3-hybridised carbon is either bimolecular left parenthesis S subscript N to the power of 2 end exponent end subscript right parenthesis or 1lIlim0lecular: S subscript N to the power of 1 end exponent end subscript Bimolecular reaction takes place in single step, involving transition state intermediate. In S subscript N to the power of 2 end exponent end subscriptreaction, inversion in configuration takes place. In case of optically active alkyl halides, the inversion in configuration is called Walden "inversion. S subscript N to the power of 2 end exponent end subscriptreaction is preferred if the compound has less steric hindrance. " Unimolecular (S subscript N to the power of 1 end exponent end subscript ) reaction" involves two steps and" carbonium ion intermediate. Optically active" substrates give racemic mixture in these" reactions.
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III) C H subscript 3 end subscript minus C H subscript 2 end subscript minus I

Nucleophilic substitution reaction" is given by those compounds which have nucleophilic. groups as leaving groups. The weaker the basicity of a group of the substrate, the better is its leaving ability. In nucleophilic substitution reactions, the basicity of leaving group should be less than the incoming nucleophilic group. Nucleophilic substitution reaction at sp3-hybridised carbon is either bimolecular left parenthesis S subscript N to the power of 2 end exponent end subscript right parenthesis or 1lIlim0lecular: S subscript N to the power of 1 end exponent end subscript Bimolecular reaction takes place in single step, involving transition state intermediate. In S subscript N to the power of 2 end exponent end subscriptreaction, inversion in configuration takes place. In case of optically active alkyl halides, the inversion in configuration is called Walden "inversion. S subscript N to the power of 2 end exponent end subscriptreaction is preferred if the compound has less steric hindrance. " Unimolecular (S subscript N to the power of 1 end exponent end subscript ) reaction" involves two steps and" carbonium ion intermediate. Optically active" substrates give racemic mixture in these" reactions.
Which among the following will give S subscript N to the power of 1 end exponent end subscriptreaction?
III) C H subscript 3 end subscript minus C H subscript 2 end subscript minus I


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