

A radioactive nucleus emits -particles and 5-particles. The ratio of number of neutrons to that of protons will be

  1. fraction numerator straight A minus straight Z minus 12 over denominator straight Z minus 6 end fraction
  2. fraction numerator straight A minus straight Z over denominator straight Z minus 1 end fraction
  3. fraction numerator straight A minus straight Z minus 11 over denominator straight Z minus 6 end fraction
  4. fraction numerator A minus Z minus 11 over denominator Z minus 1 end fraction

The correct answer is: fraction numerator A minus Z minus 11 over denominator Z minus 1 end fraction

    Let straight z to the power of straight X to the power of A end exponent space of 1em stack 3 alpha with not stretchy rightwards arrow below left parenthesis straight z minus 6 right parenthesis to the power of straight y to the power of left parenthesis A minus 12 right parenthesis end exponent end exponent not stretchy rightwards arrow with 5 beta on top left parenthesis straight z minus 1 right parenthesis to the power of straight Y to the power of straight prime left parenthesis A minus 12 right parenthesis end exponent table attributes columnspacing 1em end attributes row cell therefore fraction numerator text  No.of neutrons  end text over denominator text  No.of protons  end text end fraction equals fraction numerator A minus 12 minus left parenthesis Z minus 1 right parenthesis over denominator Z minus 1 end fraction end cell row cell equals fraction numerator A minus Z minus 11 over denominator Z minus 1 end fraction end cell end table

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    I f blank a blank a n d blank b blank a r e blank t h e blank g r e a t e s t blank v a l u e s blank o f blank 2 n C subscript n blank a n d text end text to the power of text 2n-1 end text end exponent blank C subscript n blank r e s p e c t i v e l y comma blank t h e n

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