

Do the data suggest a linear . quadratic or an exponential function ? Use regression to find a model for each data set.


1. When the difference between 2 consecutive output values (y values) for a given constant change in the input values (x values) is constant. i.e. y(n)- y(n-1) is constant for any value of n, the function is known as a linear function.
2. Regression is a statistical tool used to find a model that can represent the relation between a given change in dependent variable (fraction numerator o u t p u t space v a l u e s over denominator y space v a l u e s end fraction) for a given change in independent variable (fraction numerator i n p u t space v a l u e s over denominator x space v a l u e s end fraction).
Linear Equation using regression can be represented as-
Y = a + bX, where-
a =fraction numerator space left square bracket left parenthesis capital sigma y right parenthesis left parenthesis capital sigma x squared right parenthesis space minus space left parenthesis capital sigma x right parenthesis space left parenthesis capital sigma x y right parenthesis right square bracket over denominator space left square bracket n left parenthesis capital sigma x squared right parenthesis space minus space left parenthesis capital sigma x right parenthesis squared right square bracket end fraction
b =fraction numerator space left square bracket n left parenthesis capital sigma x y right parenthesis space minus space left parenthesis capital sigma x right parenthesis space left parenthesis capital sigma y right parenthesis right square bracket over denominator space left square bracket n left parenthesis capital sigma x squared right parenthesis space minus space left parenthesis capital sigma x right parenthesis squared right square bracket end fraction

The correct answer is: The given function is a linear function and using Regression, the given function can be modelled into the equation- Y = 2.48X - 19.96.

    Step-by-step solution:-
    From the given table, we observe the following readings-

    x1 = 0, y1 = 100;
    x2 = 1, y2 = 89.5;
    x3 = 2, y3 = 78.9;
    x4 = 3, y4 = 68.4;
    x5 = 4, y5 = 57.8
    a). Difference between 2 consecutive x values-
                                                                                                    dx1 = x2 - x1 = 1 - 0 = 1
                                                                                                    dx2 = x3 - x2 = 2 - 1 = 1
                                                                                                    dx3 = x4 - x3 = 3 - 2 = 1
                                                                                                    dx4 = x5 - x4 = 4 - 3 = 1
    Difference between 2 consecutive y values-
                                                                                            dy1 = y2 - y1 = 89.5 - 100 = -10.5
                                                                                            dy2 = y3 - y2 = 78.9 - 89.5 = -10.6
                                                                                            dy3 = y4 - y3 = 68.4 - 78.9 = -10.5
                                                                                            dy4 = y5 - y4 = 57.8 - 68.4 = -10.6
    We observe that the difference for every consecutive x values is constant i.e. 1 and for y values the difference is almost constant i.e. -10.5.
    Hence, the given function is a linear function.
    Using Linear Regression formula-
    Y = a + bX, where-
                                                                                            a = fraction numerator left square bracket left parenthesis capital sigma y right parenthesis left parenthesis capital sigma x squared right parenthesis space minus space left parenthesis capital sigma x right parenthesis space left parenthesis capital sigma x y right parenthesis right square bracket space over denominator left square bracket n left parenthesis capital sigma x squared right parenthesis space minus space left parenthesis capital sigma x right parenthesis squared right square bracket end fraction
                                                                                    ∴ a = fraction numerator left square bracket left parenthesis negative 75 right parenthesis left parenthesis 30 right parenthesis space minus space left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis left parenthesis negative 125.2 right parenthesis right square bracket over denominator space left square bracket 5 left parenthesis 30 right parenthesis space minus space left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis 2 right square bracket space end fraction.......................... (As per adjacent table)
                                                                                             ∴ a = fraction numerator left parenthesis negative 2 comma 250 space plus space 1 comma 252 right parenthesis over denominator space left parenthesis 150 space minus space 100 right parenthesis end fraction
                                                                                                     ∴ a =fraction numerator space minus 998 space over denominator 50 end fraction
                                                                                                      ∴ a = -19.96
                                                                                              b = fraction numerator left square bracket n left parenthesis capital sigma x y right parenthesis space minus space left parenthesis capital sigma x right parenthesis space left parenthesis capital sigma y right parenthesis right square bracket space over denominator left square bracket n left parenthesis capital sigma x squared right parenthesis space minus space left parenthesis capital sigma x right parenthesis squared right square bracket end fraction
                                                                                        ∴ b =fraction numerator space left square bracket 5 left parenthesis negative 125.2 right parenthesis space minus space left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis left parenthesis negative 75 right parenthesis right square bracket over denominator space left square bracket 5 left parenthesis 30 right parenthesis space minus space left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis squared right square bracket end fraction
                                                                                          ∴ b = (-626 + 750)/ (150 - 100)
                                                                                                        ∴ b = fraction numerator 124 over denominator space 50 end fraction
                                                                                                        ∴ b = 2.48
    ∴ The Linear Equation is-
                                                                                                          Y = a + bX
                                                                                                 ∴ Y = -19.96 + 2.48X
                                                                                                  ∴ Y = 2.48X - 19.96
    Final Answer:-
    ∴ The given function is a linear function and using Regression, the given function can be modelled into the equation- Y = 2.48X - 19.96.

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