

In the circuit shown in figure reading of voltmeter is V subscript 1 end subscript when only S subscript 1 end subscript is closed, reading of voltmeter is V subscript 2 end subscript when only S subscript 2 end subscript is closed. The reading of voltmeter is V subscript 3 end subscript when both S subscript 1 end subscript and S subscript 2 end subscript are closed then

  1. V subscript 2 end subscript greater than V subscript 1 end subscript greater than V subscript 3 end subscript    
  2. V subscript 3 end subscript greater than V subscript 2 end subscript greater than V subscript 1 end subscript    
  3. V subscript 3 end subscript greater than V subscript 1 end subscript greater than V subscript 2 end subscript    
  4. V subscript 1 end subscript greater than V subscript 2 end subscript greater than V subscript 3 end subscript    

The correct answer is: V subscript 2 end subscript greater than V subscript 1 end subscript greater than V subscript 3 end subscript

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