

open square brackets 5 square root of 5 plus 11 close square brackets to the power of 2 n plus 1 end exponent is always

  1. an odd integer    
  2. an even integer    
  3. 0    
  4. none of these.    

The correct answer is: an even integer

    Let open parentheses 5 square root of 5 plus 11 close parentheses to the power of 2 n plus 1 end exponent equals I plus f, where I is an integer and 0 less or equal than f < 1
    Let open parentheses 5 square root of 5 minus 11 close parentheses to the power of 2 n plus 1 end exponent equals f ´, where 0 < f ’ < 1
    therefore I plus f minus f ´ equals open parentheses 5 square root of 5 plus 11 close parentheses to the power of 2 n plus 1 end exponent minus open parentheses 5 square root of 5 minus 11 close parentheses to the power of 2 n plus 1 end exponent
    equals 2 open square brackets 2 n plus 1 C subscript 1 end subscript open parentheses 5 square root of 5 close parentheses to the power of 2 n end exponent open parentheses 11 close parentheses plus to the power of 2 n plus 1 end exponent C subscript 3 end subscript open parentheses 5 square root of 5 close parentheses to the power of 2 n minus 2 end exponent open parentheses 11 close parentheses to the power of 3 end exponent plus....... close square brackets
    =2 (An integer) = 2k where k element of N
    = An even integer.
    Hence f – f ’ = 2k – I = An integer.
    But – 1 < f – f ’ < 1 \ 0 = 2k – I
    \ I = 2k = an even integer.
    Hence integral part of open parentheses 5 square root of 5 plus 11 close parentheses to the power of 2 n plus 1 end exponent is an even integer.

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