

A wave motion has the function y equals a subscript 0 end subscript sin invisible function application left parenthesis omega t minus k x right parenthesis. The graph in figure shows how the displacement y at a fixed point varies with time t. Which one of the labelled points shows a displacement equal to that at the position x equals fraction numerator pi over denominator 2 k end fraction at time t = 0

  1. P    
  2. Q    
  3. R    
  4. S    

The correct answer is: Q

    At t = 0 and x equals fraction numerator pi over denominator 2 k end fraction. The displacement
    y equals a subscript 0 end subscript sin invisible function application open parentheses omega x subscript 0 end subscript minus k cross times fraction numerator pi over denominator 2 x end fraction close parentheses equals negative a subscript 0 end subscript sin invisible function application fraction numerator pi over denominator 2 end fraction equals negative a subscript 0 end subscript
    from graph. Point of maximum displacement (a0) in negative direction is Q.

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