

STATEMENT-1 : One end of ideal massless spring is connected to fixed vertical wall and other end to a block of mass m initially at rest on smooth horizontal surface. The spring is initially in natural length. Now a horizontal force F acts on block as shown. Then the maximum extension in spring is equal to maximum compression in spring.

STATEMENT-2 : To compress and to expand an ideal unstretched spring by equal amount, same work is to be done on spring

  1. Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.    
  2. Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1    
  3. Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False    
  4. Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True    

The correct answer is: Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True

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Statement I : Trace of matrix  A = open square brackets table attributes columnalign left left left columnspacing 1em end attributes row cell a subscript 11      a subscript 12      a subscript 13 end cell row cell a subscript 21      a subscript 22      a subscript 23 end cell row cell a subscript 31      a subscript 32      a subscript 33 end cell end table close square brackets is equal to a11 + a22 + a33
Statement II : Trace of a matrix is equal to sum of its diagonal elements.

The trace has several properties that are used to prove important results in matrix algebra and its applications.
 Let and be two K X K matrices. Then,[eq8]

Statement I : Trace of matrix  A = open square brackets table attributes columnalign left left left columnspacing 1em end attributes row cell a subscript 11      a subscript 12      a subscript 13 end cell row cell a subscript 21      a subscript 22      a subscript 23 end cell row cell a subscript 31      a subscript 32      a subscript 33 end cell end table close square brackets is equal to a11 + a22 + a33
Statement II : Trace of a matrix is equal to sum of its diagonal elements.


The trace has several properties that are used to prove important results in matrix algebra and its applications.
 Let and be two K X K matrices. Then,[eq8]


Statement I : The inverse of the matrix A  equals open square brackets table attributes columnalign center center center columnspacing 1em end attributes row 1 4 cell negative 1 end cell row 2 3 0 row 0 1 2 end table close square brackets  does not exist.
Statement II : |A|   .not equal to 0 open square brackets because vertical line A vertical line equals open vertical bar table attributes columnalign center center center columnspacing 1em end attributes row 1 4 cell negative 1 end cell row 2 3 0 row 0 1 2 end table close vertical bar equals open vertical bar table attributes columnalign center center center columnspacing 1em end attributes row 1 4 cell negative 1 end cell row 0 cell negative 5 end cell 2 row 0 1 2 end table close vertical bar equals negative 10 minus 2 equals negative 12 not equal to 0 close square brackets

Statement I : The inverse of the matrix A  equals open square brackets table attributes columnalign center center center columnspacing 1em end attributes row 1 4 cell negative 1 end cell row 2 3 0 row 0 1 2 end table close square brackets  does not exist.
Statement II : |A|   .not equal to 0 open square brackets because vertical line A vertical line equals open vertical bar table attributes columnalign center center center columnspacing 1em end attributes row 1 4 cell negative 1 end cell row 2 3 0 row 0 1 2 end table close vertical bar equals open vertical bar table attributes columnalign center center center columnspacing 1em end attributes row 1 4 cell negative 1 end cell row 0 cell negative 5 end cell 2 row 0 1 2 end table close vertical bar equals negative 10 minus 2 equals negative 12 not equal to 0 close square brackets


the focus of parabola (y – k)2 = 4 (x – h) always lies between the line x + y = 1 and x + y = 3 then  -

the focus of parabola (y – k)2 = 4 (x – h) always lies between the line x + y = 1 and x + y = 3 then  -


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PSQ is a focal chord of a parabola whose focus is S & vertex A . PA and QA are produced to meet the directrix in R and T respectively then straight angle RST equals


In the figure shown initially spring is in unstretched state & blocks are at rest. Now 100 N force is applied on block A & B as shown in the figure. After some time velocity of 'A' becomes 2 m/s & that of 'B' is 4 m/s & block A displaced by amount 10 cm and spring is stretched by amount 30 cm. Then work done by spring (in joule) force on A will be

In the figure shown initially spring is in unstretched state & blocks are at rest. Now 100 N force is applied on block A & B as shown in the figure. After some time velocity of 'A' becomes 2 m/s & that of 'B' is 4 m/s & block A displaced by amount 10 cm and spring is stretched by amount 30 cm. Then work done by spring (in joule) force on A will be


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