

The capacitor of capacitance C can be charged (with the help of a resistance R) by a voltage source V, by closing switch S subscript 1 end subscript while keeping switch S subscript 2 end subscript open. The capacitor can be connected in series with an inductor ‘L’ by closing switch S subscript 2 end subscript and opening S subscript 1 end subscript .

Initially, the capacitor was uncharged. Now, switch S subscript 1 end subscript is closed and S subscript 2 end subscript is kept open. If time constant of this circuit is tau, then

  1. after time interval tau, charge on the capacitor is CV/2    
  2. after time interval 2tau, charge on the capacitor is CV(1 – e to the power of negative 2 end exponent)    
  3. the work done by the voltage source will be half of the heat dissipated when the capacitor is fully charged    
  4. after time interval 2tau, charge on the capacitor is CV(1 – e to the power of negative 1 end exponent)    

The correct answer is: after time interval 2tau, charge on the capacitor is CV(1 – e to the power of negative 2 end exponent)

    table row cell Q equals 0 subscript 0 end subscript open parentheses 1 minus e to the power of negative t divided by 3 end exponent close parentheses end cell row cell Q equals C V open parentheses 1 minus e to the power of negative 4 r end exponent close parentheses text end text text a end text text f end text text t end text text e end text text r end text text end text text t end text text i end text text m end text text e end text text end text text i end text text n end text text t end text text e end text text r end text text v end text text a end text text l end text text end text 2 t text end text text. end text text end text end cell end table

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    After insertion of the rod, current in the circuit:

    An inductor having self-inductance L with its coil resistance R is connected across a battery of emf epsilon. When the circuit is in steady state at t = 0 an iron rod is inserted into the inductor due to which its inductance becomes n L (n > 1)

    After insertion of the rod, current in the circuit:


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    After insertion of rod which of the following quantities will change with time?
    1) Potential difference across terminals A and B.
    2) Inductance.
    3) Rate of heat produced in coil

    An inductor having self-inductance L with its coil resistance R is connected across a battery of emf epsilon. When the circuit is in steady state at t = 0 an iron rod is inserted into the inductor due to which its inductance becomes nL (n > 1)

    After insertion of rod which of the following quantities will change with time?
    1) Potential difference across terminals A and B.
    2) Inductance.
    3) Rate of heat produced in coil


    Statement-1 : Consider the arrangement shown below. A smooth conducting rod, CD, is lying on a smooth U-shaped conducting wire making good electrical contact with it. The U-shape conducting wire is fixed and lies in horizontal plane. There is a uniform and constant magnetic field B in vertical direction (perpendicular to plane of page in figure). If the magnetic field strength is decreased, the rod moves towards right.

    Statement-2 : In the situation of statement-1, the direction in which the rod will slide is that which tends to maintain constant flux through the loop. Providing a larger loop area counteracts the decrease in magnetic flux. So the rod moves to the right independent of the fact that the direction of magnetic field is into the page or out of the page.

    Statement-1 : Consider the arrangement shown below. A smooth conducting rod, CD, is lying on a smooth U-shaped conducting wire making good electrical contact with it. The U-shape conducting wire is fixed and lies in horizontal plane. There is a uniform and constant magnetic field B in vertical direction (perpendicular to plane of page in figure). If the magnetic field strength is decreased, the rod moves towards right.

    Statement-2 : In the situation of statement-1, the direction in which the rod will slide is that which tends to maintain constant flux through the loop. Providing a larger loop area counteracts the decrease in magnetic flux. So the rod moves to the right independent of the fact that the direction of magnetic field is into the page or out of the page.


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