

The valency of carbon is generally 4, but its oxidation state may be -4,-2,0,+2,-1 etc. In the compounds containing C,H, and O, the oxidation number of C is calculated as Oxidation number of  C equals fraction numerator 2 n subscript O minus n subscript H over denominator n subscript C end fraction Where straight n subscript straight O comma straight n subscript straight H and  nare the number of oxygen, hydrogen and carbon atoms , respectively The oxidation state of C in diamond is

  2. +1   
  3. -1   
  4. +2   

The correct answer is:

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Oxidation reaction involves loss of electrons, and reduction reaction involves gain of electrons. The reaction in which a species disproportionate into two oxidation states (lower and higher) is called disproportionate reaction Which of the following statements is wrong?

Oxidation reaction involves loss of electrons, and reduction reaction involves gain of electrons. The reaction in which a species disproportionate into two oxidation states (lower and higher) is called disproportionate reaction Which of the following statements is wrong?


This section contains five paragraphs. Based on each paragraph, 3-7 multiple choice questions have to be answered. Each question has four choices (a) , (b) , (c) , and (d) , out of which only one is correct, except in the paragraph for problem 19-25 Consider the following unbalanced redox reaction:

straight H subscript 2 straight O plus AX plus BY not stretchy rightwards arrow HA plus OY plus straight X subscript 2 straight B

The oxidation number of X is-2, and neither X nor water is involved in the redox process

The element(s) undergoing oxidation is/are

This section contains five paragraphs. Based on each paragraph, 3-7 multiple choice questions have to be answered. Each question has four choices (a) , (b) , (c) , and (d) , out of which only one is correct, except in the paragraph for problem 19-25 Consider the following unbalanced redox reaction:

straight H subscript 2 straight O plus AX plus BY not stretchy rightwards arrow HA plus OY plus straight X subscript 2 straight B

The oxidation number of X is-2, and neither X nor water is involved in the redox process

The element(s) undergoing oxidation is/are


Statement 1: SO subscript 2 and Cl subscript 2 are both bleaching agents

Statement 2:Both are reducing agents

Statement 1: SO subscript 2 and Cl subscript 2 are both bleaching agents

Statement 2:Both are reducing agents


Statement 1:Reduction of 3-phenyl prop-2-en-1-al with LAH gives 3-phenyl prpan-1-ol

Statement 2:Both the double bond and the aldehyde group of alpha comma beta minusunsaturated aldehydes are reduced by LAH

Statement 1:Reduction of 3-phenyl prop-2-en-1-al with LAH gives 3-phenyl prpan-1-ol

Statement 2:Both the double bond and the aldehyde group of alpha comma beta minusunsaturated aldehydes are reduced by LAH


Statement 1:A reaction between Fe and I2 occurs, but a reaction between Fe to the power of 2 plus end exponent and straight I to the power of ⊖ does not occur

Statement 2:Fe is a better reducing agent than straight I to the power of ⊖

Statement 1:A reaction between Fe and I2 occurs, but a reaction between Fe to the power of 2 plus end exponent and straight I to the power of ⊖ does not occur

Statement 2:Fe is a better reducing agent than straight I to the power of ⊖


If sin space left parenthesis alpha plus beta right parenthesis equals 1 comma sin space left parenthesis alpha minus beta right parenthesis equals 1 half then tan space left parenthesis alpha plus 2 beta right parenthesis tan space left parenthesis 2 alpha plus beta right parenthesis equals

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The cartesian equation of the plane passing through the line of intersection of the planes r times left parenthesis 2 ı with not stretchy bar on top plus 3 ȷ with not stretchy bar on top plus 4 k with not stretchy bar on top right parenthesis equals 1 and r times left parenthesis ı with not stretchy bar on top minus ȷ with not stretchy bar on top right parenthesis plus 4 equals 0 and perpendicular to the plane r times left parenthesis 2 ı with not stretchy bar on top minus ȷ with not stretchy bar on top plus k with not stretchy bar on top right parenthesis plus 8 equals 0 is

The cartesian equation of the plane passing through the line of intersection of the planes r times left parenthesis 2 ı with not stretchy bar on top plus 3 ȷ with not stretchy bar on top plus 4 k with not stretchy bar on top right parenthesis equals 1 and r times left parenthesis ı with not stretchy bar on top minus ȷ with not stretchy bar on top right parenthesis plus 4 equals 0 and perpendicular to the plane r times left parenthesis 2 ı with not stretchy bar on top minus ȷ with not stretchy bar on top plus k with not stretchy bar on top right parenthesis plus 8 equals 0 is


Identify(A) and (B) in the reaction:

Identify(A) and (B) in the reaction:


If f left parenthesis x right parenthesis equals open curly brackets table attributes columnalign left left columnspacing 1em end attributes row cell 1 over x squared minus 1 over x squared      comma x less than 0 end cell row cell sin to the power of negative 1 end exponent left parenthesis x plus b right parenthesis comma      x greater or equal than 0 end cell end table close then at x equals 0 comma space f left parenthesis x right parenthesis space is

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In the reaction 3 Br subscript 2 plus 6 CO subscript 3 superscript 2 minus end superscript plus 3 straight H subscript 2 straight O not stretchy rightwards arrow 5 Br to the power of ⊖ plus BrO subscript 3 superscript ⊖ plus 6 HCO subscript 3 superscript ⊖

In the reaction 3 Br subscript 2 plus 6 CO subscript 3 superscript 2 minus end superscript plus 3 straight H subscript 2 straight O not stretchy rightwards arrow 5 Br to the power of ⊖ plus BrO subscript 3 superscript ⊖ plus 6 HCO subscript 3 superscript ⊖


 The product (A) formed can:

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Two circles with radii apostrophe r subscript 1 superscript blank apostrophe text  and ' end text r subscript 2 apostrophe comma r subscript 1 greater than r subscript 2 greater or equal than 2, touch each other externally. If apostrophe theta apostrophe be the angle between the direct common tangents, then

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