The function f is a linear function. The y - intercept of the graph of y = f(x) in the xy -plane is (0, - 12). What is the y-intercept of the graph of y = f(x) + 2 ?
- (0, -14)
- (0, -10)
- (-2, -12)
- (2, -12)
The correct answer is: (0, -10)
The x - intercept is the point where a line crosses the x - axis, and the y - intercept is the point where a line crosses the y - axis. Those points are of the form (x, 0) and (0, y) respectively.
Step 1 of 2:
-intercept of the graph of y = f(x) in the xy - plane is (0, - 12).
![therefore f open parentheses 0 close parentheses equals y equals negative 12]()
Step 2 of 2:
Now, the
-intercept of the graph of
is given by,
![y equals f open parentheses 0 close parentheses plus 2]()
![rightwards double arrow y equals negative 12 plus 2 equals negative 10]()
Hence, it is
Final Answer:
The required y - intercept is — (0, - 10).
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In right triangle ABC, the length of side
is 12 , the measure of
, and
is a right angle. Which of the following can be determined using the information given?
II) The length of side ![stack A B with minus on top]()
Any triangle that has one 90-degree angle is said to have a right angle. Right triangles are those with an angle of 90 degrees, or "right angles," hence those with this angle. First, determine the third angle's measurement. You already know that C = 90 degrees because it is a right angle, and you are also aware of the size of A or B. Since a triangle's internal degree measurement must always equal 180 degrees, the third angle's measurement can be determined by applying the following formula: 180 – (90 + A) = B. The formula can also be turned around so that 180 - (90 + B) = A.
As an illustration, if you know that A is 40 degrees, then B is 180 – (90 – 40). It is easy to work out that B = 50 degrees if you simplify this to B = 180 - 130. Triangles can be resolved using the Law of Sines. Knowing the length of one side and the measurement of one other angle in addition to the right angle will especially assist you in finding the hypotenuse of a right triangle. The Law of Sines asserts that for any triangle with sides a, b, and c and angles a, b, and c, a / sin A = b / sin B = c / sin C.
Any triangle can be resolved using the Law of Sines, but only a right triangle will have a hypotenuse.
In right triangle ABC, the length of side
is 12 , the measure of
, and
is a right angle. Which of the following can be determined using the information given?
II) The length of side ![stack A B with minus on top]()
Any triangle that has one 90-degree angle is said to have a right angle. Right triangles are those with an angle of 90 degrees, or "right angles," hence those with this angle. First, determine the third angle's measurement. You already know that C = 90 degrees because it is a right angle, and you are also aware of the size of A or B. Since a triangle's internal degree measurement must always equal 180 degrees, the third angle's measurement can be determined by applying the following formula: 180 – (90 + A) = B. The formula can also be turned around so that 180 - (90 + B) = A.
As an illustration, if you know that A is 40 degrees, then B is 180 – (90 – 40). It is easy to work out that B = 50 degrees if you simplify this to B = 180 - 130. Triangles can be resolved using the Law of Sines. Knowing the length of one side and the measurement of one other angle in addition to the right angle will especially assist you in finding the hypotenuse of a right triangle. The Law of Sines asserts that for any triangle with sides a, b, and c and angles a, b, and c, a / sin A = b / sin B = c / sin C.
Any triangle can be resolved using the Law of Sines, but only a right triangle will have a hypotenuse.