

The circumference of Earth is estimated to be 40,030 kilometers at the equator. Which of the following best approximates the diameter, in miles, of Earth's equator? (1 kilometer almost equal to 0.62137  miles)

  1. 3,205 miles
  2. 5,541 miles
  3. 7,917 miles
  4. 13,004 miles


We are given the circumference of the earth at the equator. From that we find the diameter of the earth. This value will be in kilo meters. We simply need to convert this unit of measurement of length. We are given the conversion factor in the question itself. So we just need to use that to calculate the diameter in miles.

The correct answer is: 7,917 miles

    Circumference of the earth at the equator = 40,030 kilomteres
    The equator can be considered as a circle,
    And the circumference of a circle = 2 pi r , where  r is the radius of the circle.
    As, diameter of a circle is twice the radius, that is, diameter = 2r ,
    So we get
    cicum ference equals pi cross times diameter
    text  diameter  end text equals fraction numerator text  circumference  end text over denominator pi end fraction
    Putting the value of the circumference in the above equation
    text  diameter  end text equals 40030 over pi
    Using the calculator, we get

    text  diameter  end text equals 12741.94
    Thus, we get
    Diameter of the earth  12741.94 kilometres
    It is given that,
    1 text  kilometer  end text almost equal to 0.62137 text  miles  end text
    This is the unit conversion factor.
    Thus, we have
    12741.94 text  kilometres  end text almost equal to 12741.94 cross times 0.62137 text  miles  end text
    = 7917.45
    almost equal to 7917 text  miles  end text
    Thus, the correct option is C)

    There are many other units of length which are often used. For example: inch, foot, yard, centimetre, parsec, lightyear, nanometre, etc. They measure anything between atoms to a galaxy.
    Some relations between them are given by
    1 kilometer = 39370.0787 inches = 3280.84 feet = 100000 centimetre
    1 mile = 63357 inches = 5279.75 feet = 160926.94 centimetre

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