

A source of sound is travelling towards a stationary observer. The frequency of sound heard by the observer is of three times the original frequency. The velocity of sound is vm/ sec. The speed of source will be

  1. fraction numerator 2 over denominator 3 end fraction v    
  2. v    
  3. fraction numerator 3 over denominator 2 end fraction v    
  4. 3v    

The correct answer is: fraction numerator 2 over denominator 3 end fraction v

    n to the power of ´ end exponent equals n open parentheses fraction numerator v over denominator v minus v subscript S end subscript end fraction close parentheses rightwards double arrow fraction numerator n to the power of ´ end exponent over denominator n end fraction equals fraction numerator v over denominator v minus v subscript S end subscript end fraction rightwards double arrow fraction numerator v over denominator v minus v subscript S end subscript end fraction equals 3 rightwards double arrow v subscript s end subscript equals fraction numerator 2 v over denominator 3 end fraction

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    When the mass of a system is variable, a thrust force has to be applied on it in addition to all other forces acting on it. This thrust force is given by stack F with rightwards arrow on top equals stack v with rightwards arrow on top subscript r end subscript open parentheses plus-or-minus fraction numerator d m over denominator d t end fraction close parentheses Here stack v with rightwards arrow on top subscript r end subscriptis the relative velocity with which the mass d m either enters or leaves the system. A car has total mass 50 kg. Gases are ejected from this backwards with relative velocity 20 m/s. The rate of ejection of gas is 2 kg/total mass of gas is 20 kg. Coefficient of friction between the car and road is mu = 0.1 Car will start moving after time t = . .. second:


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    If net force on a system in a particular direction is zero (say in horizontal direction) we can apply: sum m subscript R end subscript x subscript R end subscript equals sum m subscript L end subscript x subscript L end subscript comma sum m subscript R end subscript v subscript R end subscript equals sum m subscript L end subscript v subscript L end subscript text  and  end text sum m subscript R end subscript a subscript R end subscript equals sum m subscript L end subscript a subscript L end subscript Here R stands for the masses which are moving towards right and L for the masses towards left, x is displacement, v is velocity and a the acceleration (all with respect to ground). A small block of mass m = 1 kg is placed over a wedge of mass M = 4 kg as shown in figure. Mass m is released from rest. All surfaces are smooth. Origin O is as shown. At the same instant reaction on the wedge from the ground is N

    If net force on a system in a particular direction is zero (say in horizontal direction) we can apply: sum m subscript R end subscript x subscript R end subscript equals sum m subscript L end subscript x subscript L end subscript comma sum m subscript R end subscript v subscript R end subscript equals sum m subscript L end subscript v subscript L end subscript text  and  end text sum m subscript R end subscript a subscript R end subscript equals sum m subscript L end subscript a subscript L end subscript Here R stands for the masses which are moving towards right and L for the masses towards left, x is displacement, v is velocity and a the acceleration (all with respect to ground). A small block of mass m = 1 kg is placed over a wedge of mass M = 4 kg as shown in figure. Mass m is released from rest. All surfaces are smooth. Origin O is as shown. At the same instant reaction on the wedge from the ground is N


    If net force on a system in a particular direction is zero (say in horizontal direction) we can apply: sum m subscript R end subscript x subscript R end subscript equals sum m subscript L end subscript x subscript L end subscript comma sum m subscript R end subscript v subscript R end subscript equals sum m subscript L end subscript v subscript L end subscript text  and  end text sum m subscript R end subscript a subscript R end subscript equals sum m subscript L end subscript a subscript L end subscript Here R stands for the masses which are moving towards right and L for the masses towards left, x is displacement, v is velocity and a the acceleration (all with respect to ground). A small block of mass m = 1 kg is placed over a wedge of mass M = 4 kg as shown in figure. Mass m is released from rest. All surfaces are smooth. Origin O is as shown. Normal reaction between the two blocks at an instant when absolute acceleration of m is 5 square root of 3 m/s2 at 60° with horizontal is N. Normal reaction at this instant is making 30 to the power of ring operator end exponent with horizontal:

    If net force on a system in a particular direction is zero (say in horizontal direction) we can apply: sum m subscript R end subscript x subscript R end subscript equals sum m subscript L end subscript x subscript L end subscript comma sum m subscript R end subscript v subscript R end subscript equals sum m subscript L end subscript v subscript L end subscript text  and  end text sum m subscript R end subscript a subscript R end subscript equals sum m subscript L end subscript a subscript L end subscript Here R stands for the masses which are moving towards right and L for the masses towards left, x is displacement, v is velocity and a the acceleration (all with respect to ground). A small block of mass m = 1 kg is placed over a wedge of mass M = 4 kg as shown in figure. Mass m is released from rest. All surfaces are smooth. Origin O is as shown. Normal reaction between the two blocks at an instant when absolute acceleration of m is 5 square root of 3 m/s2 at 60° with horizontal is N. Normal reaction at this instant is making 30 to the power of ring operator end exponent with horizontal:


    If net force on a system in a particular direction is zero (say in horizontal direction) we can apply: sum m subscript R end subscript x subscript R end subscript equals sum m subscript L end subscript x subscript L end subscript comma sum m subscript R end subscript v subscript R end subscript equals sum m subscript L end subscript v subscript L end subscript text  and  end text sum m subscript R end subscript a subscript R end subscript equals sum m subscript L end subscript a subscript L end subscript Here R stands for the masses which are moving towards right and L for the masses towards left, x is displacement, v is velocity and a the acceleration (all with respect to ground). A small block of mass m = 1 kg is placed over a wedge of mass M = 4 kg as shown in figure. Mass m is released from rest. All surfaces are smooth. Origin O is as shown. The block will strike the x–axis at x = ....m :–

    If net force on a system in a particular direction is zero (say in horizontal direction) we can apply: sum m subscript R end subscript x subscript R end subscript equals sum m subscript L end subscript x subscript L end subscript comma sum m subscript R end subscript v subscript R end subscript equals sum m subscript L end subscript v subscript L end subscript text  and  end text sum m subscript R end subscript a subscript R end subscript equals sum m subscript L end subscript a subscript L end subscript Here R stands for the masses which are moving towards right and L for the masses towards left, x is displacement, v is velocity and a the acceleration (all with respect to ground). A small block of mass m = 1 kg is placed over a wedge of mass M = 4 kg as shown in figure. Mass m is released from rest. All surfaces are smooth. Origin O is as shown. The block will strike the x–axis at x = ....m :–


    If net force on a system in a particular direction is zero (say in horizontal direction) we can apply: sum m subscript R end subscript x subscript R end subscript equals sum m subscript L end subscript x subscript L end subscript comma sum m subscript R end subscript v subscript R end subscript equals sum m subscript L end subscript v subscript L end subscript text  and  end text sum m subscript R end subscript a subscript R end subscript equals sum m subscript L end subscript a subscript L end subscript Here R stands for the masses which are moving towards right and L for the masses towards left, x is displacement, v is velocity and a the acceleration (all with respect to ground). A small block of mass m = 1 kg is placed over a wedge of mass M = 4 kg as shown in figure. Mass m is released from rest. All surfaces are smooth. Origin O is as shown. Final velocity of the wedge is m/s :–

    If net force on a system in a particular direction is zero (say in horizontal direction) we can apply: sum m subscript R end subscript x subscript R end subscript equals sum m subscript L end subscript x subscript L end subscript comma sum m subscript R end subscript v subscript R end subscript equals sum m subscript L end subscript v subscript L end subscript text  and  end text sum m subscript R end subscript a subscript R end subscript equals sum m subscript L end subscript a subscript L end subscript Here R stands for the masses which are moving towards right and L for the masses towards left, x is displacement, v is velocity and a the acceleration (all with respect to ground). A small block of mass m = 1 kg is placed over a wedge of mass M = 4 kg as shown in figure. Mass m is released from rest. All surfaces are smooth. Origin O is as shown. Final velocity of the wedge is m/s :–


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    When two bodies collide normally, they exert equal and opposite impulses on each other. Impulse = change in linear momentum. Coefficient of restitution between two bodies is given by :– e equals fraction numerator text  IRelative velocity of separation  end text I over denominator text  IRelative velocity of approachl  end text end fraction equals 1 for elastic collision Two bodies collide as shown in figure. During collision they exert impulse of magnitude J on each other. For what values of J (in N–s) the 2 kg block will change its direction of velocity :


    When two bodies collide normally, they exert equal and opposite impulses on each other. Impulse = change in linear momentum. Coefficient of restitution between two bodies is given by :– e equals fraction numerator text  IRelative velocity of separation  end text I over denominator text  IRelative velocity of approachl  end text end fraction equals 1 for elastic collision Two bodies collide as shown in figure. During collision they exert impulse of magnitude J on each other. If the collision is elastic, the value of J is N–s :

    When two bodies collide normally, they exert equal and opposite impulses on each other. Impulse = change in linear momentum. Coefficient of restitution between two bodies is given by :– e equals fraction numerator text  IRelative velocity of separation  end text I over denominator text  IRelative velocity of approachl  end text end fraction equals 1 for elastic collision Two bodies collide as shown in figure. During collision they exert impulse of magnitude J on each other. If the collision is elastic, the value of J is N–s :


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